incentive murder - search results

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Abbas Admits: The PA is Behind All Terrorism

PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas recently made an admission that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is behind all Arab terrorism in Israel. The admission made the headlines nowhere, except in Israeli and Jewish press: “We have been...

What the Trump Middle East Plan of the Century Needs Most: PEACE EDUCATION

US President Donald Trump passionately works for renewal of peace talks between Israel and Palestinian Authority. In that context, Trump has released his “deal of the century,” to occur after the Israeli elections on...

Message to President Trump: Israel is not a Nation of Profits

David Bedein, founder, Israel Resource News Agency & Director, Center for Near East Policy Research, Philadelphia & Jerusalem US President Donald Trump passionately works for renewal of peace talks between Israel and Palestinian Authority. In that context,...

Justice in Jerusalem: Written hours after burial of a 4 day old Jewish infant,...

A little more than two years ago, the Forward broke the story, with clear documentation that the nascent Palestinian Authority had actually established a formal killer incentive system to award those who murder Jews. A...

Garnishing Bank Accounts of Killers: Beyond Home Demolition

A 45-year-old American Israeli, Ari Fuld z”l came to my office 2 weeks ago, offering to contribute to our exposés of the PA/UNRWA “education.” Ari gave me a blessing for success which I will...

The Allied Powers Holocaust: A Continuing Saga

PART ONE: OVERVIEW Throughout the years of the Obama administration and the Bush administration before it, Israel faced diplomatic and political pressures of growing intensity which reinforced long preexisting demands for concessions that would compromise...

Terror victim’s family, West Point classmates plead with senators: Stop ‘Pay for Slay’

They were on one of the most meaningful deployments of their lives. A group of West Point graduates fanned out on a mission for one of their fallen classmates, along with his parents and sister....

Palestinian Incitement: From the Second Intifada Female Suicide Bombers to the Present

Israel’s Deputy Minister for Regional Cooperation Ayoob Kara, Former Israel Consul General Yitzchak Ben Gad, Dr. Mordechai Kedar, American counter-terrorism expert Nancy Kobrin, David Bedein of the Israel Resource News Agency and Rachel Avraham,...

Incentivizing Terrorism: Palestinian Authority Allocations to Terrorists and their Families

The Palestinian Authority’s legislation and allocations of monthly salaries and benefits rewarding imprisoned and released terrorists, and the families of “Martyrs,” amount to $300 million annually. This financial reward clearly demonstrates the PA’s institutional...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

My Message to President Abbas: 5 Steps for Peace President Abbas, Since over the past several years, you refused to meet me and sit down and negotiate peace, I hope you’ll hear this message. First, your advisor, Sultan Abu al Einein recently called to slit...