palestinian education - search results

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Removing a Prime Obstacle to Middle East Peace

The Trump administration was more than justified in ending U.S. support for the UN Relief Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) last year. American taxpayers had been shelling out $360 million a year (by...

Germany’s Moral Choice

Since the 1960s, German historical memory of the Holocaust was the foundation for a moral obligation to support the existence and security of the Jewish State, Israel. Having perpetrated the genocide of six million Jews, Germany...

UNRWA’s Misuse of Donor Funds

UNRWA’s mandate has been renewed by the UN General Assembly for the past 70 years, and its current mandate is set to expire on June 30, 2020. Yet, as additional countries join the ranks of...

UNRWA: Where Has All the Money Gone?

Historic Overview At midnight on 14 May 1948, the 30-year British Mandate for Palestine was formally ended by the British Colonial Office. Britain’s chaotic evacuation of its civilian and military personnel—with no arrangements having...

Replacing UNRWA in Jerusalem – a long way to go

The process of replacing UNRWA schools in Jerusalem with alternative schools will not be an easy one, despite the best of intentions to do just that from Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon and his deputy...

Listen and learn

Quote: “If you are not listening you are not learning” (President L.B.Johnson) This has been a vintage week for listening as a multitude of the world’s representatives once again burst forth with gratuitous advice and...

UNRWA mandate renewal needs some reasonable conditions added

It is a foregone conclusion that the UN General Assembly will vote today, Friday, December 13th, to renew the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) mandate, which will...

Towards the UNRWA mandate renewal: Involve the UNRWA Donor Nations

It is a foregone conclusion that the UN General Assembly will vote to renew the UNRWA mandate this Friday, December 13th,  which will once again confine descendants of Arab refugees from the 1948 war to...

To major UNRWA donor countries: What is being done with your money?

You, dear Arutz Sheva reader, can make a difference if you send this letter or a version of it, to the ten major donors to UNRWA. Information about those countries' representatives is below, following...

Model letter to send to ambassadors from UNRWA donor nations

Model letter to send to ambassadors from UNRWA donor nations (List to follow: precise list of ambassadors) June 2020 Dear Ambassador… We are asking you, as a representative in the General Assembly of one of the ten donor...