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Items Taken from the New PA Schoolbooks used in UNRWA schools, August 2017

The Zionist occupation started in 1856 (Social Studies, Grade 9, Part 1, 2017, p. 10) "Since the Zionist movement established in 1856 its first settlement, known as 'Montefioriyyah' , south-west of the Jerusalem...

Don’t Dismantle UNRWA; Reform Its Policies

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The desire of Prime Minister Netanyahu to dismantle UNRWA, while understandable in light of the agency’s egregious history of collusion with Hamas, is not a practical proposition. Israel can, however, demand that...

UNRWA Staff Engage in Antisemitic Activity on Social Media

A shocking revelation was made by the NGO UN Watch, which discovered that UNRWA employees are posting inciting and antisemitic material on social media. UNRWA are not only aware of this phenomenon, but also teach...

UNRWA terror involvement – Now under new scrutiny in the US Congress and the Israeli...

Once again this summer, Hamas  operates military preparation summer camps for 250,000 teenagers who attend UNRWA schools during the school year. Working with an Israeli-Palestinian team of journalists over the past few years, I run...

Lobby to reform UNRWA launches in Knesset

A new Knesset lobby calling for the reform of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) will be launched this week. The Knesset Lobby for UNRWA Policy Reform, which is chaired by MK Sharren...

​From ​UNRWA Balata to Jaffa with love

65 Years of Resistance in Balata after Forced Immigration from Jaffa (+Video) West Bank (Tasnim) - Balata Refugee Camp, the biggest Palestinian camp in the West bank has now become a symbol of resistance against...

Editorial: The UNRWA Problem

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made headlines in June when he told visiting US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...

.@UNRWA still lying

UNRWA tried to raise money on Refugee Day by sending out this message: 69 years since their original displacement in 1948, Palestine refugees are still refugees, awaiting a just and durable solution to their plight.  No,...

Do not “Dismantle” UNRWA; it is not within the scope of possibility. Reform...

Virtually every media ​outlet ​took the UNRWA condemnation of the Hamas tunnels found under an UNRWA school at its word. Yet no media outlet reminded the world that ​the ​UNRWA school teachers' union and...

UNRWA Policy Letter to US Ambassador to the UN, the Hon. Nikki Haley

Ms. Nicki Haley US Ambassador to the UN Dear Ambassador Haley, You are a welcome guest to Israel this week, where you are much admired for the integrity that you have shown in your demand for...