unrwa - search results

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What @UNRWA doesn’t want the EU to know

On September 11, UNRWA's Chris Gunness asked the UN's real refugee agency this question: Do any colleagues in #UNHCR @LDUNHCR @melissarfleming or peeps know how many #Palestinians r among those arriving in Europe & elsewhere...

UNRWA is a Pro-terrorist Organization

In the UN Relief and Welfare Agency (UNRWA) you have the total melding of the UN with the aims of the Palestinian struggle against Israel.  We should not be surprised at this, given that...

UNRWA to BBC: “Use the Words ‘Israeli Occupation’ in Coverage of Christmas”

GENEVA, Dec. 24, 2015 -- UN Watch called on U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power to take remedial measures against UNRWA and its spokesman Chris Gunness for engaging in partisan advocacy—breaching its neutrality promise under the 2015 UNRWA-U.S....

The following news story weaves clips from short UNRWA films produced by the Center...

http://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-the-un-perpetuates-anti-semitism-in-palestinian-schools/?utm_source=MadMimi&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Shocking+Polls+from+Muslims+Worldwide%3B+US+Lawmakers+Call+to+Shutdown+PLO+Office&utm_campaign=20151222_m128987486_Shocking+Polls+from+Muslims+Worldwide%3B+US+Lawmakers+Call+to+Shutdown+PLO+Office&utm_term=WATCH_3A+UN+Schools+Brainwash+Arab+Children+to+Hate+Jews https://www.commentarymagazine.com/foreign-policy/middle-east/real-palestinian-christmas-show-terrorism/ http://www.ngo-monitor.org/article/deck_the_halls_with_exploitation_how_anti_peace_ngos_abuse_and_misuse_the_message_of_christmas Will the West Defend Its Own Values Against Radical Islam? http://www.defensenews.com/story/breaking-news/2015/12/24/exclusive-crisis-averted-after-israeli-palestinian-troops-face-off-near-president-mahmoud-abbas-home/77876018/ https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentary/566410-when-the-enemy-is-a-friends-friend http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=69415 http://english.aawsat.com/2015/12/article55345982/russian-iranian-conflict-escalates http://www.egyptindependent.com//news/israeli-military-expert-concerned-about-egypt-s-purchase-two-satellites http://sputniknews.com/politics/20151222/1032158491/crisis-president-terrorism-call.htm

Funeral of Rabbi Reuven Biermacher, Murdered by a terrorist from the Jerusalem UNRWA camp...

I have just returned from the funeral of my dear friend Rabbi Reuven Biermacher HYD. The whole town of Telzstone turned out to pay their last respects to this great man. There were eulogies by...

UNRWA as obstacle to Peace

Thank you very much for inviting me to the Knesset today to speak about the problems of UNRWA. Let me begin by saying that the problem with UNRWA runs much deeper than its school curriculum. Even if...

UNRWA unmasked at the Knesset

The Knesset (Israel’s Parliament) was the venue on 20 December 2015 for an important forum devoted to learning exactly what goes on behind the scenes at the UN agency tasked with looking after Palestinian...

Are the lyrics of the UNRWA youth Ambassador not lethal?

There are those who tell us that UNRWA Youth Ambassador  Mohammad Assaf’s lyrics are innocuous. Please judge for yourself : If you think that these words are incendiary, contact the legislative bodies of the...

UNRWA chooses “Youth Idol” to sing for war


UNRWA Educators Persist in Inciting Fellow Palestinians to Violence Against Israelis on Social Media

In spite of UN assurances to the contrary, Jew hatred and incitement to violence continue to grace the social media threads of teachers employed by the international body, pro-Israel blogger Elder of Ziyon reported...