palestinian education - search results

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Jewish Academics Turn Against Hillel

The enemies of Israel neither slumber nor sleep. They include not only the technically competent barbarians of Iran, exuberantly aggressive with the prospect of nuclear weapons and the $150 billion "signing bonus" paid them...


Princeton University Hillel’s last minute decision on Monday to cancel Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipy Hotovely’s scheduled address was the tip of a very dangerous iceberg. The iceberg itself was revealed the next day on Capitol...

Should funding to UNRWA be made conditional on ending incitement?

A new comprehensive study by the Center for Near East Policy Research & the Israel Resource News Agency, commissioned by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, highlights new Palestinian Authority school books used in UNRWA schools,...

UNRWA- A UN Agency Encourages Children to Engage in Acts of War

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which serves Palestinian Arabs  who were  refugees from the 1948 war, along with their descendants,  is responsible for the education of about 25% of Palestinian Arab ...

What goes on beneath the surface of UNRWA facilities is not the problem

UNRWA does indeed condemn Hamas activity underneath UNRWA schools.​​ Yet UNRWA says nothing about Hamas activity inside the UNRWA schools. Hamas, defined as a terror group by the US, the UN, the EU, the UK, Canada...

Well Intentioned UNRWA Policy Changes Suggested by Former US Ambassador to the UN Cannot...

Since a primary subject that our office covers is UNRWA, allow me to say that the following article is well intentioned yet misleading. ​No changes can be made in UNRWA without the approval of the...

The Impact of Academic Boycotters of Israel on U.S. Campuses

Coordinated internationally by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), the academic boycott of Israel calls for college and university faculty to “boycott and/or work towards the cancellation or...

National Security Council (NSC) issues statement on UNRWA. We offer to brief the NSC

The White House National Security Council spokesman issued the following statement about UNRWA "The United States has supported the work of UNRWA and has been among its leading donors, having provided over $359 million in...

A response to the interview with the head of J Street and their briefing...

"A response to the interview with the head of J Street and their briefing booklet on this website, at Student, Hesder Yeshivat Beit Orot. USA Army Veteran, and co-author "Worship Space Acoustics," J. Roaa, Publishers,...

Israel Resource Review features an interview with the director of J Street in Israel...

Intereview with Yael Patir​, director of J Street​ in Israel​, August 2017 ​(Originally commissioned by Tikkun magazine) ​c​onducted by joseph matas​,, a visiting journalist, assisted by David, his assistant. ​ Joseph: Can you tell us about...