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Vindication: After 20 years of Vilification for Reporting the Hamas-PA Armed Collusion, Documentation emerges
This week, the respected Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs issued a policy paper which documented how the PSF, the Palestinian Security Forces, which reports to the Palestinian Authority, has been consistently arming the Hamas...
Hamas Builds New Force In Gaza
Hamas has been forming a new security unit in the Gaza Strip.
Palestinian sources said Hamas has been recruiting a militia force that would maintain regime protection. They said the militia, trained in light weapons,...
How US Military Aid to Fatah Actually Bolsters the Hamas
On February 5, 2013, the reconstituted US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa held a subcommittee hearing on the subject of "Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation: Threatening Peace Prospects”.
Two senior expert witnesses from...
On the Brink: Decline of US trained Palestinian Security Forces
US-trained Palestinian Security Force under General Dayton November 2009
Prepared with a research grant from the Middle East Forum
After nearly 20 years, the Palestinian Authority, the PA, has achieved the dubious reputation of being...
Data Base – key articles on US military aid to Pal Security Services
Israel Resource Review PSF file
By Amit Cohen and Barak Ravid Maariv Jericho Sun Oct 15 2006
IU.S.-backed militia to include terrorists
'We'll attack Israel,' says member of American armed, trained 'unified force'
The Palestinian Security Forces and the Second Intifada
Presentation given at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on July 24th, 2003
(Presentation hosted by the Center For Near East Policy Research and the Israel Resource News Agency)
Copyright © Gal Luft
In the period...