UNRWA SCHOOLS - search results

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Palestinian Authority textbooks – An issue in the 2019 Israeli elections?

Over the past three years, the Center for Near East Policy Research headed by journalist David Bedein conducted three comprehensive studies of all Palestinian Authority school textbooks used by UNRWA, the PA and Hamas...

Report on PA education illuminates anti-Jewish indoctrination

The recently published study “Israel, Jews, and Peace in Palestinian Authority Teachers’ Guides” by Dr. Arnon Groiss of the Center for Near East Policy Research showed that Palestinian teachers’ guides promote an attitude toward...

Report alleges ethical abuses at UN agency for Palestinians

An internal ethics report has alleged mismanagement and abuses of authority at the highest levels of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees even as the organisation faced an unprecedented crisis after US funding cuts. The...

Disaster: Proposed Jewish caucus in Congress

Attn: Dan Schori, American Jewish Congress From: David Bedein, Israel Resource News Agency & Center for Near East Policy Research Have just heard of your ill-advised idea for a Jewish caucus in Congress Most Jewish members of...

Should President Trump Reconsider the PLO as a Partner for Peace?

The British statesman Sir Edmund Burke is said to have stated: “The end is the means in process" in explanation for his lack of support for the French Revolution – despite his support for...

US Middle East Policy: A reality check

At a time when pundits await the details of US President Trump's master plan for the Middle East, rumors fly across the political spectrum as to  the  US gov't policy towards Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria...

The U.N. Social Service Agency that became a terrorist incubator

The United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) was created in 1949 to provide relief to the 700,000 Arab refugees who fled their homes during the Israel War of Independence. Multiple in-depth studies prove how UNRWA...

Germany Promotes Antisemitism and Anti-Israelism

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The German government’s official policy is that it makes efforts to fight antisemitism and is friendly toward Israel. At the same time, it actively promotes antisemitism and anti-Israelism. It allows massive migration of...

Turn off the taps

What is the first thing you do when you discover that water intended for your household’s use is being diverted because of a malfunction in the pipes leading to your home? Before calling in the...

From Fox News – Anti-Israel content exposed in UN agency’s school textbooks, as lawmakers...

A newly declassified report is shedding light on anti-Israel material found in U.S.-funded textbooks used by the United Nations' Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) in Palestinian schools -- while faulting the State Department for leaving...