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The Truth Behind the Palestinian ‘Catastrophe’

srael will soon celebrate the 75th anniversary of its independence. Around the same time, Palestinians will stage their annual Nakba Day, the official commemoration held every year on May 15 to protest Israel’s creation....

What would real normalization look like?

AUTHOR,  UNRWA; ROADBLOCK TO PEACE (2014)  & GENESIS OF THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY (2017) The icon of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, dreamed of a "normal" Jewish state,  However, the term  "normalization" does not ​​exist in either law​ or diplomacy.  Nonetheless,...

Bursting bubbles

There is a popular computer game called “bubble shooters” in which the aim is to burst as many bubbles as possible and amass points. A definition of bursting bubbles is “shattering illusions and delusions.” Michael Kuttner These...


When one thinks of recycling, the generally accepted definition is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. Michael Kuttner As Israel is...

The Truth Behind the Palestinian ‘Catastrophe’

Israel will soon celebrate the 75th anniversary of its independence. Around the same time, Palestinians will stage their annual Nakba Day, the official commemoration held every year on May 15 to protest Israel’s creation....

Brev till Sveriges utrikesutskott och dess intressen för fred i Mellanöstern.

Vi har fått höra anklagelser av journalister i Ramallah att USA har hållit tillbaka medel som tilldelats UNRWA under de senaste två åren. Men på grund av UNRWA:s vägran att följa USA- UNRWA överenskommelsen...

The initiative of the Palestinians: the UN will automatically fund UNRA permanently Israel today

Israel and the US are working together at the UN to torpedo an initiative by the Palestinians that could change the financing mechanism of the UNRWA agency, which handles the Palestinian "refugees". According to...

Both UN & The PA: No Support For Any 2 State Solution

This week, The United Nations declared support for a two-state solution. However, our news and research agency, which has reviewed more than 1,000 official textbooks of the PA, used by UNRWA, The United Nations Relief...

US Middle East Policy In practice

Nov. 14, 2022 The working assumption of US Middle East Policy is to foster mutual recognition between Israel and the nascent PA entity That is not what we witness in the implementation of US policy on...

What the public at large has a right to know before the Nov. 1...

What is Not Generally Known to the Public in IsraeL, one month before elections: The Palestinian Security Forces (PSF), trained by the IDF, now carry out daily attacks against Jews through its PSF elite unit...