UNRWA SCHOOLS - search results

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Biden administration cozies up to controversial UN agency for Palestinian refugees

It wasn’t what was stated during a virtual meeting between the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and the head of a controversial U.N. agency that deals with Palestinian refugees that riled critics — it was what was missing from the...

Biden Administration Erasing Trump’s Middle East Legacy

In just a few months, the Biden administration has rushed to undo many of President Trump’s policies in the Middle East and across the world. Since Biden took office, his administration has rejoined the China-dominated...

1500 Rabbis Warn Biden Administration is Funding Terrorism

On Thursday, the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) condemned the decision of the Biden administration to renew funding to both the Palestinian Authority and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). CJV is a US-based...

Biden push to restore funding for Palestinian refugees sparks lobbying fight

A decades-long critic of the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency has hired his first lobbying firm to try to put the brakes on the Joe Biden administration’s stated intention to restore funding for the beleaguered organization. David Bedein of...

Please consider this as an humble offer of outreach to media

At this time when the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA plea for funds to back their schools, please consider this as an humble offer of outreach to media. Arrived in Jerusalem 50 years ago as a...

The U.N. Refugee Agency With Few Actual Refugees

Lost amid President Trump’s unceremonious send-off were a pair of Jan. 14 tweets from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: Of the more than five million people identified as “Palestinian refugees” by the United Nations...

Jewish leaders raise concerns about Biden’s U.N. approach

Jewish Insider - Earlier this month, the United Nations agency tasked with working with Palestinians said it mistakenly issued textbooks that call for jihad, or holy war, against Israel. The agency, the United Nations Relief...

Deliberately misplaced priorities

What never ceases to amaze is the amount of times the international community can shut its eyes and close its ears to never ending confidence tricks. If one thing has been learned over the centuries...

Mission Impossible? Asking US: Include education in peace process

In two weeks' time, a new US administration will enter office. That new American government is committed to creating a PLO state, under the slogan of a two-state solution. The main question is: how to ask...

What does Biden owe his Jewish supporters?

The election of a new president of the US, Joe Biden, occurred with widespread Jewish support in several swing states. The time has come to ask how the new president can express appreciation to...