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Leaving a real Mideast legacy?

The political deadlock between Israel and the Palestinian Authority will not be resolved any time soon. Israel demands that the PA recognize it as a Jewish state and put an end to its war-inciting education,...

Liberals wrong to fund radical Palestinian agency

Bravo to the Trudeau Liberals for supporting Tony Clement and Michelle Rempel’s opposition motion to condemn the ‘Boycott, Divestment andSanctions’ (BDS) movement against Israel. BDS is popular on universitycampuses, but most people see it...

Watch: Opposition head grills Canadian PM on Hamas funding

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was put on the spot Tuesday by Interim Opposition head Rona Ambrose over reports that he plans to give UNRWA $15 million, despite its well-documented ties to the Hamas...

Palestinian Authority Textook Study Project

SPECIAL REPORT: Israel and the Jews in the Newest Palestinian Authority (PA) Schoolbooks taught in PA and UNRWA Schools: De-legitimization, Demonization, Advocacy of Violent Struggle rather than Peace, Jihad, Martyrdom and the 'Right of...

UNbridled, UNbelievable HYPOCRISY…writes Michael Kuttner

When it comes to Israel it seems that there are no depths to which the United Nations and its associated agencies will plummet. The recent performance however of this corrupted organization must earn it first...

“Zionism is Racism” Ideology Lives on at the United Nations

At a special event held at United Nations headquarters in New York on November 11th entitled “The battle for Zionism at the United Nations,” the UN commemorated the 40th anniversary of the speech by...

Quebec’s judge states that Israeli military activity in Gaza is a righteous act of...

Montréal judge Stephen J. Gallagher dismissed Palestinian’s appeal for Canadian refugee status, stating that his claim is resting upon his subjective views of the political situation in Gaza. A 34 year old Gaza-born man, registered...


See here for NGO Monitor's press release, "UN Report on Gaza: Improvement Over Goldstone, But NGO Reliance Hurts Credibility," June 22, 2015 The report of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the 2014 Gaza War,...

Partners in Hate…writes Michael Kuttner

We have just arrived back in Israel from a vacation in Switzerland. As well as being overwhelmed by the snow-capped mountains, stunning scenery, beautiful lakes and pristine cleanliness we were also impressed by the clockwork...

Israeli group’s documentary accuses Hamas of training child soldiers

A new documentary that shows senior Hamas figures in Gaza unabashedly discussing the training of child soldiers and glorifying suicide bombers at military-style youth camps will be Exhibit A for an Israeli group at...