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Welcome to Camp Jihad
Palestinian kids sit at UNRWA school Photo: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
The hazy, crazy, lazy endless days of summer are upon us and children are enjoying vacation from school, the luxury of going to bed late...
Welcome To Camp Jihad
The hazy, crazy, lazy endless days of summer are upon us and children are enjoying vacation from school, the luxury of going to bed late and then sleeping in the next morning and for...
Two States? Not at “Camp Jihad”
As Israel and the Palestinian Authority prepare to renew their negotiations for “peace” under U.S. mediation, a short but powerful documentary about UNRWA children's camps shows just what kind of "solution" the Palestinian Authority...
Knesset Review Reveals: Israel Does Not Exist in PA Textbooks
The textbooks used in UNRWA-funded schools never acknowledge any Jewish rights in “Palestine”, nor any Jewish past in the Land of Israel, said Dr. Arnon Groiss, a respected expert in the promotion of Tolerance...
On the Brink: Decline of US trained Palestinian Security Forces
US-trained Palestinian Security Force under General Dayton November 2009
Prepared with a research grant from the Middle East Forum
After nearly 20 years, the Palestinian Authority, the PA, has achieved the dubious reputation of being...
Twenty Conclusions of “Operation Pillar of Defense”:
Last week, while visiting communities struck by Gaza missiles throughout southern Israel, it was easy to discern the all pervasive anger that Israeli citizens - from all walks of life - vented against the...
Refugee Lawyer David Matas: UNWRA, Palestinian and Jewish Refugees :There are No International Instruments...,_Palestinian__and_Jewish_Refugees_:There_are_No_International_Instruments_which_Give_Palestinians_A_Right_of_Return
(The following is an excerpt of Remarks prepared for a delivery to a conference on Justice for Jews from Arab countries, Jerusalem, Israel, 10 September 2012)
There is a troubling pattern of claimed Palestinian rights...
George Jonas: Relief agencies, now and then
A reader wants to know what bothers me about UN relief agencies, such as UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees. “After all,” he writes, “in your memoir you mention...
Funds Needed to Continue Proactive News Investigations
Funds Needed to Continue Proactive News Investigations
Dangers of Further US Aid to the PLO Army
Threat of Planned PLO Army Deployment in Hebron and Jerusalem
UNRWA and PA for War Curriculum, financed by US and the...
The Gaza Narrative: From Delegitimization to Antisemitism
Tucked away in a small building off the main street of Sderot, Israel, and just a few blocks from the Sderot Police Station and their infamous Rocket Museum, lies the home of the Sderot...