Tag: Cities

UNRWA: Where Has All the Money Gone?

Historic Overview At midnight on 14 May 1948, the 30-year British Mandate for Palestine was formally ended by the British Colonial Office. Britain’s chaotic evacuation of its civilian and military personnel—with no arrangements having...

Palestinian Arab Volunteers in the British Army in WWII: A Reality Check

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A recent study recounts the purportedly unknown story of Palestinian Arab volunteers fighting the Nazis during WWII. Haaretz used this finding as an opportunity to mock PM Benjamin Netanyahu, who has pointed out that...

Will UNRWA donors demand a change in UNRWA policies?

Following the renewal of the UNRWA mandate, whether or not UNRWA donors will demand ​policy change remains a huge question mark​ Israel Hayom recently reported that the UNRWA war curriculum continues unabated to date.  And...

Facebook Offers a Matching Grant to UNRWA. Why?

At a time when FACEBOOK founder Mark Zuckerberg conducts campaigns which stress “education for peace” around the world, it comes as a surprise that FACEBOOK would offer generous matching grants to UNRWA $100K match for...

Jewish legal right to settle in all of the land of Israel

This week, the US government issued a policy statement, recognizingJewish legal right to settle in all of the land of Israel. Most people, even in Israel, do not know what their legal rights are in...


One quote and two definitions of “charades” sum up more than adequately the Mickey Mouse situation we are currently confronted with. Quote: “your words mean nothing when your actions are the complete opposite.”  Definition 1: an absurd...

Pause to re-arm – Not a ceasefire

Almost all the media reports that a “cease-fire” was achieved after the most recent round of air attacks on Israel. The use of the term “cease-fire” is a misinterpretation of the terms in Arabic used...

Required Changes in the Palestinian Authority’s Schoolbooks

Here are clear guidelines for an overhaul in Palestinian curriculum for more than 300 PA Schools which teach  321,000 pupils who live in UNRWA facilities in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem; Avoid De-legitimization of the State...

Jewish NGOs Call UNRWA to Account 

PRESS RELEASE November 7, 2019 From press@icjw.org Jewish NGOs Call UNRWA to Account  Representatives of the International Council of Jewish Women and other Jewish NGOs at the United Nations are demanding that donor nations attach conditions to the...

Le distributeur automatique de l’Autorité palestinienne

Le sentiment général des Palestiniens est que leur gouvernement est corrompu. Sur les 1200 Palestiniens interrogés, 95,5 % ont déclaré que la corruption est endémique dans le régime dirigé par Mahmoud Abbas. En matière d'aide...