Tag: Cities

The myth of Hebron’s Shuhada Street

Shuhada Street is a half-mile long road in the Palestinian city of Hebron in Israel’s West Bank. It was once the thriving market center of the city, frequented by Palestinians and Israelis daily. Today,...

ZF defends hosting controversial Israeli activist

The Zionist Federation (ZF) has defended its decision to host an Israeli activist in London this week, despite claims he shared a platform with disciples of Meir Kahane. David Bedein is due to speak at...

Origins of the Palestinian Narrative

The year was 1958, world opinion was turning against Arab freedom fighters, one of their leaders, Yasser Arafat knew something somehow was needed to bring opinion to this side, so he and his comrade...

Israel, Jews and Peace in Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks Used in UNRWA Schools – Points

Introduction Schoolbooks indicate the values a society would wish to instill in the minds of its younger generations. When published by a regime  – as the case is in the Palestinian Authority (PA) –...

Panorama: New revelations on UK Labour antisemitism (July 10, 2019)

Eight former Labour staffers, seven of whom are not Jewish, have spoken to the BBC of their experience in dealing with antisemitism complaints, which include Holocaust denial and praise for Hitler. For objecting to...

Unearthing the evidence

Definition of archaeology: “the study of human history and prehistory through the excavations of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.” For quite some time now the historical revisionists of this world...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (June 19 –25, 2019)

On Friday, June 21, 2019, the weekly return march was held along the Israel-Gaza Strip border. About 6,000 Palestinians participated, slightly more than in recent weeks. During the rioters used familiar forms of extreme...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (June 19 –25, 2019)

On Friday, June 21, 2019, the weekly return march was held along the Israel-Gaza Strip border. About 6,000 Palestinians participated, slightly more than in recent weeks. During the rioters used familiar forms of extreme...

The Bahrain Conference: Another Perspective

The U.S.-sponsored economic conference in Bahrain focused on the economic aspects of the Trump administration’s Mideast peace plan, known as the “deal of the century.“ Key leaders will convene at a later date to discuss...

Enough already

Anonymous quote: “There is a time to be nice and there is a time to say enough already.” For seventy-one years Israel has been the recipient of continual and endless admonitions, condemnations and unsolicited advice....