Tag: Middle East

President Mahmoud Abbas: The Palestinian “Untouchable”

For many years, Palestinians hoped that one day they would enjoy public freedoms under the leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA), like the freedoms their neighbors in Israel have. But more than two...

UN Schools Caught Teaching Arab Children to Wage Jihad on Jews

Using funding from Western taxpayers, and Americans in particular, United Nations schools are teaching Arab children to glorify terrorism and wage constant war against their Jewish neighbors, according to a new film. In theexplosive...

CAMERA Hosts Palestinian Human Rights Activist for Congressional Talk

CAMERA hosted Bassem Eid, a veteran Palestinian Arab human rights activist, for a Capitol Hill briefing on June 14, 2016 attended by more than 80 congressional staff members and interns, as well as representatives...

Who Is Threatening Israeli Journalists and Why?

Palestinian journalists are spearheading a campaign against Israeli reporters. They have been taught that any journalist daring to criticize the Palestinian Authority (PA) or Hamas is a "traitor." They expect Israeli and Western...

Watch their lips…writes Michael Kuttner

Listening carefully to what individuals or groups are saying about you is a prerequisite to understanding what actions may subsequently follow. During the Jewish People’s millennial march through history there has been virtually no period...

Incessant interference…writes Michael Kuttner

Consumer warning: Some contents may be disturbing or unsuitable for politically correct and sensitive individuals. Guidance is advised. For those who just cannot bring themselves to acknowledge the inane and insane behaviour exhibited by members...

Strengthening the minds and hearts of European advocates for Israel

Director of the Sderot Media Center discusses Israel advocacy Israel advocacy is dealing with a propaganda machine. Parts of the propaganda machine are supported, often unwittingly, by Western donors to the Palestinian Authority, to a wide...

Return and renewal

As I write these lines Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day for Fallen soldiers and terror victims) is concluding…says Michael Kuttner. It is a day to remember and honour all those who have fallen in the line...

Palestinians: The “Battle for Succession”

Hamas is convinced that the Palestinian Authority (PA) will never allow elections to take place in the West Bank because of the likelihood that Hamas would win. The PA argues that Hamas will...

Filmbudgeten 2016

Sammanfattning Palestiniask hets har nått episka proportioner och resultaten är självklara i terrorattackerna som äger rum under hela Israel på en daglig basis. Den Palestinska myndigheten och FN: s hjälporganisation (UNRWA) fortsätta att publicera och använda...