Tag: Middle East

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

Netanyahu, Husseini, and the Historians

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's comments about Haj Amin al-Husseini's impact on Hitler's decision-making about the Final Solution in Europe do not stand up to the consensus of historical research. Husseini's importance in Nazi...

The Fatal Results of Palestinian Popular Terrorism: Analysis of Israeli deaths during the six...

Overview 1.   During the past month Israel has witnessed an intense wave of popular terrorism, part of what the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatah call the "popular resistance." Most of the attacks have been carried...

Content of new book; Inside the PLO, the Palestinian Authority, & UNRWA

What follows are published articles by David Bedein In Makor Rishon, the Winnipeg Jewish Review, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Philadelphia Bulletin, the Jewish Advocate, the Jewish Exponent, the Jewish Week and Israel Resource Review, with...

Chapter 1: The Jewish People’s Right and Birthright in Jerusalem (the Historical-Religious Dispute)

Chapter 1: The Jewish People’s Right and Birthright in Jerusalem (the Historical-Religious Dispute)1 The nature of this opening chapter, which focuses on the historical-religious dimension, may seem to run counter to the practical emphasis of this...

The Myth That Abbas Fights Terror

While Palestinians were killing four Israelis in back-to-back terror attacks last week, I received an email lauding Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for his vital role in fighting such terror. This email was parroting...

Invitation to membership for the Center For Near East Policy Research

To counteract the torrent of delegitimization directed against our country, Israel must cope with misrepresentations spread by those who oppose the existence of a Jewish state. The Center for Near East Policy Research is...

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s Hate Speech and Threats from 2012-2015

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's Hate Speech and Threats from 2012-2015 Date  Comment Context Source 5-Feb-12 It is a jurisprudential justification to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm Posted...

Why the West Should Listen to Hungary on Muslim Refugees

Some central and east European countries are being criticized by more "progressive" Western nations for not wanting to take in Muslim refugees. Chief among them is Hungary, specifically in the person of Prime Minister Viktor...

Yom Kippur: A day when time stands still

Failure is often followed by clarity, and beginning Tuesday night, I’ll have an opportunity to think about just how cathartic changing your routine can be. Yom Kippur is not for rookies, and if you take...

Sept. 20 address at AACIn Netanya: Make Your Voice Heard in the Media, with...

Demand that Donor Nations ask for Changes in Palestinian Authority books Used by UNRWA and the PA Background The following is a list of changes that UNRWA must introduce into the Palestinian Authority textbooks it uses...