Tag: Middle East

Book Review: ​Phantom Nation: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace

956 pages available only at www.Amazon.com Not since Joan Peters’s From Time Immemorial thirty years ago has there been such a book on the Arab-Israeli conflict. It belongs in every Jewish home, synagogue and school....

PM Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Start of the Weekly Cabinet Meeting

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, made the following remarks at the start of the Cabinet meeting: "Israel is a nation of law. Whoever violates the law will be punished severely. We will not tolerate disturbances and...

PM Netanyahu at the opening of the Knesset winter session

Translated from Hebrew] The last time I stood here was before Operation Protective Edge. During that operation to defend against criminal terrorist attacks, the State of Israel showed the entire world what decisiveness, force and...

Pro-Israel group says United Nations relief agency supporting Hamas

OTTAWA - The United Nations should investigate its relief work agency in the Palestinian territories, according to a pro-Israeli research group and a Conservative MP. David Bedein, head of the Jerusalem-based Centre for Near East...

The Terrorism Threat to Canada

On October 22, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, Canadian-born and a convert to Islam, shot dead a soldier and was killed after opening fire inside the Parliament in Ottawa.  Two days earlier, Martin Ahmad Couture-Rouleau, a...

Anti Semitism in New PA Schoolbooks used in UNRWA schools: 2001-2014

Dr. Arnon Groiss* has prepared the following working document which summarizes the Anti Semitic motifs that have been used in the PA Schoolbooks used in UNRWA schools , ever since the new school books...

Israel’s Challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean

About 90 percent of Israel's foreign trade is carried out via the Mediterranean Sea, making freedom of navigation in this area critical for the Jewish state's economic well-being. Moreover, the newly found gas fields...

Iran Trains Hamas In Urban War

Hamas and its Palestinian militia allies have demonstrated skills that stem from years of Iranian training on how to fight Israel. Palestinian sources said Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard oversaw at least three years of intensive...

The Case Against Qatar

http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/09/30/the_case_against_qatar_funding_extremists_salafi_syria_uae_jihad_muslim_brotherhood_taliban?utm_content=bufferbaa4c&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer ABU DHABI and DOHA — Behind a glittering mall near Doha's city center sits the quiet restaurant where Hossam used to run his Syrian rebel brigade. At the battalion's peak in 2012 and 2013,...

[The question remains: Will UNRWA evaluate the effects of an educational curriculum based on...

Islamist Watch Launches 'Islamist Money in Politics' http://www.meforum.org/4835/islamist-money-politics Philadelphia – October 1, 2014 – Prominent Islamists in the United States have donated almost $700,000 to federal candidates over the past 15 years, according to a...