Behind the scene with David Bedein – May 9, 2023
På grund av fortsatt dödlig hets tillåter USA:s kongressen inte UNRWA att använda sina...
Den här veckan märkte FN:s hjälporganisation för palestinska flyktingar i Mellanöstern att USA inte kommer att tillåta UNRWA att använda de 330 miljoner dollar som USA har allokerat till UNRWA i år. Plötsligt har...
Palestinians: The Real Human Rights Violations
When Palestinians commit human rights violations against Palestinians, the European Union and the UN are beyond indifferent. It is only when Israel takes a decision to defend itself against terrorism that we hear their...
Financial Crisis In UNRWA – Why?
This week, UNRWA discerned that the US will not allow UNRWA to use $330 Million that the US has allocated to UNRWA this year. Suddenly, UNRWA did not have enough cash to pay its...
The City of Jerusalem in the Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks in UNRWA Use
This research discusses the image of the city of Jerusalem as revealed in the Palestinian Authority's schoolbooks currently used in UNRWA's schools in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Seventy textbooks...
Hitler’s shadow – Nazi War
Nazis and the Middle East
Recent scholarship has highlighted Nazi aims in the Middle East, including the intent to murder the Jewish population of Palestine with a special task force that was to accompany...
Behind the scene with David Bedein – April 10, 2023
Reissue of worst text for UNRWA schools, despite calls for change
At a time when publicity of incitement in the the UNRWA schools continues, following official UNRWA incitement hearings in the US Congress, there is a new development at the Palestinian Authority Curriculum Center, which...
UNRWA Smoking Gun
In 36 years of news coverage of UNRWA, we have had a few opportunities to produce a smoking gun from UNRWA.
UNRWA just provided a new smoking gun.
UNRWA, which relies on the PA curriculum, this week...