Genesis of the Palestinian Authority

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority collects articles and policy papers by Bedein, director of The Center for Near East Policy Research and founder of the Israel Resource News Agency. The author has covered the Palestinian...

Diplomacy between Saudi Arabia and Iran could isolate and constrain Israel

Suppose the Israeli defense establishment, the prime minister, and the inner security cabinet decide that Iran’s uranium enrichment at 84 percent, close to what’s needed for a nuclear weapon, and its progress in weaponizing...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – March 22, 2023


Berlin pumps cash into UNRWA despite teachers urging murder of Jews

The German government in March funneled €5 million ($5.27 million) into a school project in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, even as a report by Israeli NGOs shows Palestinian teaching materials “glorify terrorism, encourage martyrdom,...

How US Citizens can ​influence UNRWA​ policy

How US Citizens can  influence  UNRWA policy: Demand that  US Funds be delayed until UNRWA changes its school curriculum, in accordance with the US UNRWA accord  of 2021 58% of the $1.6 billion UNRWA budget allocated to UNRWA is earmarked...

Bursting bubbles

There is a popular computer game called “bubble shooters” in which the aim is to burst as many bubbles as possible and amass points. A definition of bursting bubbles is “shattering illusions and delusions.” Michael Kuttner These...

High – Level german delegation inaugates UNRWA school in Gaza

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) inaugurated the UNRWA Gaza Preparatory Girls’ School A & B in Gaza today. The ceremony was attended by a...

Exposed: Top UN Human Rights Official’s Hatred of Israel

Officials of the 1,000-strong UN human rights office often insist that their agency, which operates as the bureaucracy that supports the 47-nation UN Human Rights Council, not be conflated with political body and its...

Stripping Terrorists of Citizenship Does Not Go Far Enough

The decision on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 to pass a law to strip Arab-Israeli terrorists of their citizenship for receiving financial rewards from the Palestinian Authority is a deep moral mandate that should have...

SWC Condemns Murder of Two Brothers in Huwara by Palestinian Terrorist

Leading Jewish Human Rights NGO Reiterates Call for US and Other Donor Nations to Demand Palestine Authority Revoke Law that Financially Rewards Terrorists and Their Families JERUSALEM – Monday, February 27, 2023 ­– The Simon...