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David Bedein: The UN, Yasser Arafat, and the Lies of Shimon Peres
incisive VIDEO interview with Iran expert Kenneth Timmerman
‘UNRWA at War’: New film shows U.N. agency teaching kids to kill in Judea...
Revelations by Israel’s government about the United Nations Relief and Works Agency have shattered the group’s carefully cultivated image as a humanitarian organization, revealing it to be no less than an arm of Hamas in Gaza. However, little light has...
‘UNRWA at war’: New film shows UN agency teaching kids to kill in Judea...
evelations by Israel’s government about the United Nations Relief and Works Agency have shattered the group’s carefully cultivated image as a humanitarian organization, revealing it to be no less than an arm of Hamas...
Researcher has sounded alarm for decades about hate in UNRWA camps
Palestinian children in U.N. Relief and Works Agency camps, mere yards from the border with Israel, talk in a video about killing Jews and returning to their land. “The actions of Hamas match the...
David Bedein: The UN, Yasser Arafat, and the Lies of Shimon Peres
A new film about Shimon Peres whitewashes the consequences of his policies
This essay is dedicated to the 1,409 men, women and children who were murdered as a result of the Oslo process, which involved unilateral concessions to an unrepentant terrorist organization, a policy conceived by...
The Process: 1,100 Days That Changed the Middle East in retrospect
Following Uri Savir’s death last week, David Bedein writes on his book The Process: 1,100 Days That Changed the Middle East.
Uri Savir
Uri Savir, who died at the age of 69 , was one of the...
Por que os palestinos estão ganhando a guerra midiática: uma entrevista com David Bedein...
David Bedein dirige a Agência de Notícias e Recursos de Israel com sede em Jerusalém, que fornece serviços de notícias para a mídia estrangeira, desde 1987. Ele também trabalhou em missões especiais para a...
Chronicle of a three generation bond: Rav Noach Weinberg, David Bedein & Noam Bedein.
pp 486-489
Rav Noach was a “veritable caspomat (ATM) for initiatives to stop the Oslo process,” recalls journalist David Bedein, who provided Rav Noach with regular updates about his efforts to derail...
As a Witness, Bedein Chronicles “Inconvenient Truths” of Palestinian Authroity
Genesis of the Palestinian Authority, by David Bedein. Edited by Bernhard Rosenberg. Behr Publishers, Edison, NJ. 2017
Over the past 30 years of covering the Israeli-PLO relations, David Bedein has witnessed many of its defining...