Monthly Archives: January 2014

IDF Officer Who Intercepted Rockets above Israel: “We are always ready Not many soldiers finish a day of work like Lieutenant Aviel Perry, a soldier who serves as the commander of an IDF Iron Dome battery. Early Thursday morning, he intrecepted five Gaza rockets headed...

Systematic Approach: How Arab children are dispatched to throw stones

The Threat of the “Salafi Crescent

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: While Israel and the West are focused on the Iranian threat, another dangerous entity is emerging in the Middle East. Attempts by al-Qaeda and other radical Sunni Islamist groups to challenge the...

Palestinian foreign minister: We will never recognize Jewish character of Israel Paris, Asharq Al-Awsat-Unsurprisingly, the latest round of talks between Israel and Palestine has been no less difficult than previous ones, with US Secretary of State John Kerry warning shortly before the talks began last...

Economist removes ‘anti-Semitic cartoon’ after criticism The Economist removed a controversial cartoon which observers blasted as anti-Semitic. The cartoon depicts US President Barack Obama, shackled by a seal of Congress overlaid with Stars of David, trying to shake the hand of...

The Attack was put On-hold – Not Canceled For Israel, the agreement between Iran and the superpowers, which came into force this week, requires two immediate steps: On the one hand, make a special effort to collect intelligence that proves that Iran...

Critics of Israel Silent as Arabs Starve Palestinians Radio silence reigns among Israel’s critics as Palestinians suffer brutality at the hands of pro-Assad forces in Syria. In the Palestinian refugee camp known as Yarmouk, near Damascus, residents are undergoing a campaign of...

Video dispatch 21: Al-Jazeera: Why can’t Arab armies be more humane like Israel’s? A photo of Homs in Syria from January 2013. Today, Homs and other Syrian cities look even worse. “WHY DON’T THEY LEARN FROM THE ISRAELI ARMY WHICH TRIES, THROUGH GREAT EFFORTS, TO AVOID SHELLING AREAS...

When Iran Ruled Jerusalem

Although the threat of a nuclear Iran is currently Israel’s most pressing security issue, there was a time when the Jews of Jerusalem welcomed the invading Persian army as their savior. The story begins at...

Canadian Prime Minister Harper Can Jump Start the Peace Process Most recently, Israeli President Shimon Peres remarked to the European Union’s Middle East Envoy Miguel Moratinos, that the time has come to revive the dormant Refugee Working Group, comprised of 38 nations, chaired by...