Monthly Archives: October 2015

Not a parody: PA Demands Israeli Government End Incitement against Official TV

RAMALLAH, October 15, 2015 (WAFA - PLO news agency) - The Palestinian presidency Thursday denounced statements made by the newly-appointed justice minister, ?Ayelet Shaked, in which she incited against the official TV station ‘Palestine’ and demanded its...

English Power Point presentation on Palestinian incitement – PM Netanyahu

English Power Point presentation on Palestinian incitement presented at Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's Press Conference 15 October 2015

Weekly Commentary: Window of Opportunity To Prevent Pal State Not Negotiated With Israel

Israel today has a window of opportunity of limited duration to dramatically reduce the possibility that a sovereign Palestinian state is established via means other than direct negotiations with Israel. Critical fact: The likelihood that an initiative...

Israel and Jews in Palestinian Authority (PA) Schoolbooks: used in schools run by the...

Introduction Between the years 2000-2006 The PA introduced a new curriculum to be taught in all schools in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as well as in schools in East Jerusalem. Over 250 books for grades 1-12...

UPDATED — White House and State Department stances on terrorism wave in Israel

Things are moving pretty fast, and I wanted to make sure you had the Obama administration's most updated positions regarding the wave of terrorism in Israel. Some of the coverage that's floating around is...

Content of new book; Inside the PLO, the Palestinian Authority, & UNRWA

What follows are published articles by David Bedein In Makor Rishon, the Winnipeg Jewish Review, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Philadelphia Bulletin, the Jewish Advocate, the Jewish Exponent, the Jewish Week and Israel Resource Review, with...

Hamas Tries to Ride the Wave of Violence

The wave of terror pushing Palestinian teens in east Jerusalem and the West Bank threatens to swallow the Palestinian Authority (PA). Hamas, meanwhile, is trying to maintain its momentum in order to fuel its...

The Other Casualty of the Wave of Palestinian Terror

The terror attack in Tel Aviv on October 8, 2015, when a Palestinian construction worker attacked a soldier and four other civilians in the heart of the city, has potentially far-reaching implications.  This attack...

Jews are being killed simply for being Jews

The murders of Israelis on a bus yesterday continue decades of violence by Arabs against the innocent On Tuesday, several Israelis were shot and stabbed on a bus in Jerusalem, with three confirmed dead. Many...

Chapter 1: The Jewish People’s Right and Birthright in Jerusalem (the Historical-Religious Dispute)

Chapter 1: The Jewish People’s Right and Birthright in Jerusalem (the Historical-Religious Dispute)1 The nature of this opening chapter, which focuses on the historical-religious dimension, may seem to run counter to the practical emphasis of this...