Daily Archives: April 8, 2016

Daniel Pipes at CISA event: one day all of humanity will be palestinian refugees,...

In his recent sold out lecture in Winnipeg put on by the Canadian institute for the Study of Antisemitism, Dr. Daniel Pipes, proposed a narrowing of the UNRWA ( United Nations Relief and Works...

Keeping afloat in a sea of delegitimization

The endless lava flow of anti Israel/Jewish activities continues to erupt with volcanic force…writes Michael Kuttner. In academia, media and international forums the toxic effects of these noxious emissions contribute to an ever-increasing level of...

Bernie Sanders Update – Delayed response with terrible reply

1. As noted in the comment yesterday, Donald Trump's quick handling of his abortion screw-up gives an indication of how quickly politicians in the Twitter/Facebook/etc. age do damage control when they want to. Sanders...