Monthly Archives: April 2017

Ignorance and amnesia – a deadly combination

As we move further away from the years of the Holocaust we find that more individuals, adults as well as youths, are bereft of any knowledge as to what happened during that dark period…writes...

Bedein lecture Will the PLO trample on Trump’s PLO policies?

David Bedein talks about why peace is hard to get.

Why is ​”​COGAT​”​going to bat for UNRWA?

Over the past several weeks, ​We have been following several stories regarding incitement in UNRWA’s school curriculum and UNRWA’s connection to Hamas. One of the few constants ​we run into that ​The ​Israel Civil...

Weekly Commentary: Deterred or Patient? Our Enemies Patiently Prepare To Attack

With every passing day Hamas and Hezbollah build up and improve their capacity to attack the Jewish State. We've become so jaded that we don't even talk about the ongoing series of "balance breaking" weapons systems they...
Image Credit: Jerusalem via

Jerusalems Öppet Kulturhus

Jerusalems Öppna Kulturhus är ett Jerusalem projekt vars idé härrör från en önskan att omfamna och ansluta kulturerna i staden Jerusalem. Avsikten är att öppna en kulturell och social dialog mellan olika grupper i...

UNRWA har varken förmåga eller befogenhet att förändra sina skolböcker

UNRWA har ingått avtal med sina skolor i Judéen, Samarien, Jerusalem och Gaza och ålagt dem att endast använda skolböcker som givits till skolorna av den palestinska myndigheten, vilket innebär att UNRWA inte ensidigt kan kräva eller...

Towards Pending Abbas visit in DC – TIME TO ENFORCE US PLO POLICY...

With President Donald Trump set to greet Machmud Abbas,  head of the Palestinian Authority, at the White House on May 3rd, the time has come to examine how the US allowed the PLO to...

Unrwa Bluff

In February 2011, producers of the Center For Near East Policy Research's  short film, "FOR THE SAKE OF NAKB"A,,  which exposed UNRWA incitement the UNRWA school system in the Palestinian Authority, presented that movie for...

Terror knows no boundaries

The pervasive myth that maintains terror will vanish if only Israel appeases those dedicated to its destruction was proven yet again to be false this past week…writes Michael Kuttner. As Jews worldwide celebrated Passover which...