Monthly Archives: May 2017

Saved From Genocide

Our joy after the Six Day War was preceded by agonizing fear. At the time, I was Press Officer of Hadassah’s Medical and Educational Services. Waiting on a lower floor of the Ein Kerem Medical...

The Over-Dramatization of Israel’s “Dilemma”

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel is not facing a dilemma about how much, if any,  land to give up from the West Bank, because the Palestinians will not agree to take land and cannot be forced...

Is there a Palestinian refugee crisis?

We often hear of the Palestinian refugee crisis, and how many Palestinians are still living in refugee camps.  But why do we hear comparatively little about refugees from other conflicts?  Let’s look at those other...

UNRWA | United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine …created in 1948 ostensibly...

The days of David vs. Goliath and the image of Israel as a country threatened with imminent destruction are long gone In the weeks of tension before the Six Day War, Israel’s struggle for survival...

The Reality of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, kingpin of the Arab League, is still at war with Israel. The Arab League declared war to decimate the nascent Jewish state in 1948. On May 15, 1948, on the very day...

JERUSALEM, D.C….writes Michael Kuttne

Jerusalem, David’s Capital, has seen many spectacles in its three thousand years history. Not since the visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon however have we witnessed such an outpouring of flattery. In order...

Yezidi leader disturbed Trump ignored the plight of their people in Saudi Arabia

This week, US President Donald Trump spoke out against the persecution of Jews and the slaughter of Christians in Saudi Arabia but did not mention the genocide against the Yezidis: “For the Yezidis, not...

Government House Jerusalem – Briefing Paper As To Status

BACKGROUND TO THE PRESENCE OF BRITAIN IN ERETZ YISRAEL After ruling vast areas of Eastern Europe, South-western Asia, and North Africa for centuries, the Ottoman Empire lost all its Middle East territories in World War One. The...

EXCLUSIVE – Rand Paul: Saudi Arabia’s Role in Backing Terrorism Raises Concerns with $100...

Last year, Congress overwhelmingly passed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) to allow the family members of those killed in the 9/11 attacks to sue the government of Saudi Arabia for any...