Monthly Archives: August 2017

Hamas Is Restoring Its Alliance with Iran

The renewed alliance with Hamas will enable Iran to strengthen its zones of influence along Israel’s borders, including within the West Bank where Hamas and Islamic Jihad give it a foothold. During the first week...

The Fourth Show with Rachel Avraham

Rachel Avraham’s new book explores the ways in which Palestinian female terrorists have injected their narrative into the Arab, American and even Israeli media. The publicity objectives of Palestinian terrorists are examined in order...

Palestinsk grundskola Kurslitteratur 2016-17

Sammanfattning Den nya palestinska läroplanen, som även inkluderar nya läroböcker för årskurs 1-4, är betydligt mer radikal än tidigare läroplaner. I ännu större utsträckning än 2014-15 års planer, vill läroplanen lära eleverna att bli martyrer,...

Hamas Summer Camps Continue Training the Younger Gazan Generation for the Armed Struggle against...

This year, as in previous years, summer camps were held throughout the Gaza Strip, attended by tens of thousands of Gazan children and adolescents. Most of the camps were organized by Hamas, some by...

From Israel: video – ALL ABOUT THE FACTS!

Dear friends, It has been, incredibly, some nine days since I’ve last posted. But now I can share with all of you the reason I have been occupied: I proudly introduce here a one-of-a- kind video...

Enhanced Due Diligence?

AN EXAMINATION OF CANADA’S PLEDGE TO STOP UNRWA TEACHERS FROM INCITING JIHADIST TERRORISM AND ANTISEMITISM Introduction This report examines what Canada, in its new role as a major donor to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency...

Beyond the point of no return

The recent foiling of a terrorist plot to blow up a plane in Australia has focused attention on the threat posed by radicalised citizens both at home and abroad…writes Michael Kuttner. We already know that...

Preserving the Dead Sea, a Jewel for Future Generations

Sunrise over the Dead Sea is a magnificent sight.  A soothing atmosphere surrounds this biblical landmark and mineral treasure. The Dead Sea is a natural wonder that is actually giving life, but this unique...

Why Tonight There Will Be No Funerals

This morning, a bomb stopped ticking. The bomb had five components...five terrorists who were on their way to launch a terror attack. Israelis are not reeling in shock tonight, not waiting for the names...

Falsehoods and Facts about the Middle East Forum: A Top Ten List

Falsehood 1: The Middle East Forum is anti-Muslim, or "Islamophobic." Fact 1: Far from being biased against Muslims, MEF challenges a radical ideology responsible for unfathomable Muslim suffering, and one which most Muslims reject. Middle East...