Dear Friends,

My current term in the Israeli Knesset is coming to an end, and I would like to thank God and you all for the great privilege that I had in carrying out this special and significant mission.

I am constantly in awe of the fact that the People of Israel returned to their land and have been able to establish a prosperous state within a mere 70 years.

As someone who devoted most of his life to serving as a civil servant of the Jewish people, I see my tenure in the Knesset as just one more station – albeit a very significant one – in the chain of roles in which I have been fortunate to carry out, with God’s help.

I invested my time and energy in the Knesset in order to advance the important values and issues that I believe in; family values, empowering the weaker sides of society, public health and the fight against smoking, our connection to and sovereignty over the Land of Israel in all its parts in general and Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in particular, the fusion of the divisions within the Jewish people and encouraging dialogue and mutual tolerance between the different groups within Israeli society.

I will summarize these efforts at the end of this letter, but first I would like to present my plans for the future.

Shalom Jerusalem – Zionism: The Next Generation

As a direct continuation of my work in the Knesset, I intend to establish the Jerusalem Peace Movement as a worldwide movement whose goal is to develop and strengthen the connection between the return to Zion process that Israel has experienced in recent decades and the entire world.

I firmly believe that the Zionist process is not one that is for the sole benefit of the people of Israel. We have been charged with the duty of serving as a ‘light unto the nations’, and thereby bringing to the world the blessing of God to forefather Abraham and implementing next stage of the Zionist process.

I intend to bolster my current efforts in speaking to groups of visitors here in Israel and in traveling abroad – in order to emphasize to the millions of believers in the Bible the deep meaning of the fact that we have been blessed to witness with our own eyes the fulfillment of the visions of the prophets.

I intend to encourage all our friends from around the world to help us take Zionism to its next level. To do our part to fulfill the other prophecies, including:

“For my house is a house of prayer for all nations”

“Many peoples will say ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and we will walk in His paths’… for the Torah will go forth from Zion, and the word of God from Jerusalem.”

We must work with these friends to strengthen the ties between the nations, the Jewish people, the Bible, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount – as the source of God’s blessings in the world.

If we succeed in fulfilling our mission to be a light unto the nations and to connect them to the light of the people of Israel, the Land of Israel and the Torah of Israel – all connected to and emanating from Jerusalem and the Temple Mount – then we will succeed in reaching Shalom Jerusalem.

Let’s work together towards this goal of biblical importance and proportions!

In order to do so, please:

  1. Keep in touch and donate to this spiritual journey through my website: 

  1. I’d love to meet with your group during your next visit to Jerusalem, or to come to visit your community. Please book a meeting for your group or an event with me via the booking page on the website, or by writing to email: 

With blessings and prayers for the Shalom of Jerusalem,

Member of Knesset Yehudah Glick