Monthly Archives: March 2020

[BIC] International Criminal Court (ICC)

International Criminal Court (ICC) Appendix to Observations on jurisdiction by UKLFI BBUK ILF JI and SWC 16 March 2020 Observations on jurisdiction by UKLFI BBUK ILF JI and SWC 16 March 2020 Final

Can the Arab World Cope with the Coronavirus?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The coronavirus pandemic caught the Western world unprepared despite all the technology and medical advances available in those countries. What about Iran and the Arab world? How are they coping? These dictatorial states...

Nikki Haley Bashes Bernie Sanders for Horrific Policy Change on Israel

We are up against the censorship of the Big Tech and the social media companies. If you like the videos I do about Israel and the Jewish people please donate to support our work....

Ministry of Health Rules of Conduct: Ban on going to parks, malls, beach

Spokesman Office Ministry of Health P.O.B 1176 Jerusalem 91010 Tel: 02-5081220/5 Fax: 02-5655965 21 Adar 5768 March 17, 2020 Reference: 159050420 Ministry of Health announces: Ban on going to parks, malls, beach Here are the new guidelines from the Ministry of...

The Coronavirus and the Palestinians

Alongside the dramatic coronavirus and political developments in Israel, there are also developments on the Palestinian side that may not be as dramatic, but they are worth watching. The coronavirus scare has captured the...

Siege of Corona – Gam Zu LeTova: Unseen Consequences of Tragedy in the Land of...

My brother, who lived too young a life, and died at 55, was named Nahum. He knew well that there was a great Rabbinic sage called Nahum, teacher of Rabbi Akiva, who looked on the...

The 1967 “Borders” (The Kinks)

The 1967 "Border" was never a border, never intended to be a border, and has no geographical or historical significance other than being the ceasefire lines between Israel, Egypt and Jordan in 1949 after...

The Holy Jewish Home

Following the loss and destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 C.E., Rabbis decided the Jewish home should be a Mikdash m’at—a “miniature temple”—a holy space where the Shechina (Gd’s...

Delaying the inevitable

Trying to prevent events which are spiralling out of control from actually happening is an exercise in futility. Three challenges currently convulsing the world exemplify this. They are in no particular order of seriousness the coronavirus...

Behind The Scene with David Bedein: Coronavirus 2020

Behind the scene with David Bedein coronavirus 2020: