C4i response to World Council of Churches

Dear Christians for Israel Australia team and Christian and Jewish Zionist friends chavurim.

I also lend my voice of dismay and disappointment of the World Council of Churches recent actions against Israel’s right
to extend sovereignty over the biblical heartlands of Judea and Samaria , (otherwise known as the West bank)

Please see Christians for Israel response and our position regarding these matters.

I have passed this on to UCB Australia’s Vision Christian Radio network for a possible interview with Christians for Israel

Executive Director Cornelis Kant , who wrote the email below. Also to many of our Jewish friends across the country in solidarity
With them.

It sad to but necessary to distance ourselves from the WCC on this matter .

Please join us in prayerful and other considered ways of showing our solidarity for Israel and our distain for this kind of anti Israel bias .

We are still in very troubled and uncertain times, may Ha Shem give us all wisdom, courage and understanding in how to stand firm
In unity with each other.

Kind regards and Shalom

Ian Worby
Christians for Israel Australia