The process of replacing UNRWA schools in Jerusalem with alternative schools will not be an easy one, despite the best of intentions to do just that from Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon and his deputy mayor, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum.
Their passions have been stirred by CFNEPR.COM documentation of indoctrination in the UNRWA schools, which stem from texts and teachers that emanate from the Palestine LIberation Organization, which hardly represent values of peace and reconciliation cherished by the UN. UNRWA and PLO education focus on three principles.
- Denying legitimacy for Jews to live in any part of Palestine, on either side of the 1967 lines.
- Demonizing Jews.
- Preparing the Arab population for total war, under the slogan of the “right of return by force of arms”
With a quarter of a billion dollars of allocations received over the past few months from Germany, the UK, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, UNRWA now recruits Arab students from all over Jerusalem to sign up for UNRWA schools , since there is no residency requirement that would stop an Arab child born outside of an UNRWA facility not be allowed to learn in an UNRWA school.
At a meeting called for journalists and diplomats on the eve of Chanukah, Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum , who has been given administrative responsibility for the Arabs of Jeusalem, declared that the “UNRWA curriculum should not be tolerated in Jerusalem”, adding that she was determined to work with consuls of donor nations to redirect their support for her vision of peace education for Arab and Jewish residents of Jerusalem.