David Bedein
Squelching the PLO incentive to murder
Five years ago, our agency examined legal documents of the Palestinian Authority and discovered an unprecedented PA law which legislates that anyone who murders...
The Imperative to Stop UNRWA’s Antisemitic Incitement
The recently incorporated think tank, the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, has covered UNRWA education for the foreign press and the diplomatic...
Memo on renewal of US aid to UNRWA & PA education
Memo on renewal of US aid to UNRWA & PA education
Ever since the Biden Administration came into power in the U.S., it has been a foregone conclusion...
What conditions will accompany the US policy to restore funds to the Palestinian Authority...
The US decision to restore funds to the Palestinian Authority and to UNRWA is a foregone conclusion.
The question remains: Will the US place reasonable...
The UNRWA cash economy
When a social service agency provides cash assistance, there is little transparency.
59 UNRWA refugee facilities in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem...
Behind Daf Yomi Pesachim 87B A certain tractate of the Talmud was discovered in...
A well known Nazi deception was to study and manipulate customs and the tragedies of Jewish history.
A mystery remained at the end of the...
Peace-peace but there is no peace
The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terror Information Center (ITIC) is an organization dedicated to the study of terrorist groups to better understand and prepare...
A special Rabbi who died this week
A special Rabbi who died this week.
I had the honor of a special relationship with Rav Dr. Avraham Twersky z"l , which intensified during...
What is the UNRWA connection to the Iranian threat to Israel?
This week, a credible Arab journalist revealed to the world that Iran had turned Gaza into a military outpost. That study can be found at: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/17007/iran-gaza-weapons. For...
Response to JPOST revelations about UNRWA school curriculum
In response to the JPOST article of January 14, 2021 “UNRWA’s education filled with hate, calls to jihad and violence – report”-
As an agency...