David Bedein
UNRWA transparency
UNRWA has issued its annual report in which it shows that it received $1.2 billion from donor governments and NGO's/
Liad Yitzhak, a researcher from...
As this intelligence report confirms, riots have broken out in UNRWA camps in Gaza
Varför Gaza attackerar Tel Aviv?
Efter missilattackerna mot Tel Aviv i veckan:
Nyheten om att araberna avfyrade missiler klockan 9.30 på torsdagen den 14 mars mot centrum av Tel Aviv...
Message to President Trump: Israel is not a Nation of Profits
David Bedein, founder, Israel Resource News Agency & Director,
Center for Near East Policy Research, Philadelphia & Jerusalem
US President Donald Trump passionately works for renewal...
UK to review PA curriculum and relies on questionable German source
The Jewish Chronicle of March 13, 2019 reports that the UK government is to play a central role in a review of Palestinian school...
Why would Gaza attack Tel Aviv?
The news that Arabs fired missiles at 930 PM on Thursday, March 14, at the center of Tel Aviv caught many people by surprise
No peace education, no peace process
S President Donald Trump has passionately called for the renewal of peace talks between Israel and Palestinian Authority. In that context, he is preparing...
Advocating for Israel at the US Congress and any other legislative body
Someone sent the following query:
”Please direct us to a template for writing a letter to Congress to educate congressmen on why it is imperative...
Without peace education, you can’t have a peace process
US President Donald Trump has passionately called for the renewal of peace talks between Israel and Palestinian Authority. In that context, he is preparing...
Vad Trumps Århundradets Mellanöstern Fredsplan behöver mest; Utbildning för Fred
USA: s president, Donald Trump, uppmanar passionerat förnyelsen av fredsförhandlingar mellan Israel och den palestinska myndigheten. I det här sammanhanget förbereder president Trump sig...