David Bedein
Remembering Moshe Klibanoff z”l
5 Iyar, 10 years Later.
I have wrestled with myself for the past three weeks about how to write about Moshe Klibanoff, z’l, whose teachings...
Holocaust Remembrance Day Message: PLO are not Nazis
People often describe he PLO, the Palestine Liberation Organization, and their progeny, the PA the Palestinian Authority, as Nazis.
As the author of GENESIS OF...
Why is ”COGAT”going to bat for UNRWA?
Over the past several weeks, We have been following several stories regarding incitement in UNRWA’s school curriculum and UNRWA’s connection to Hamas. One of...
UNRWA har varken förmåga eller befogenhet att förändra sina skolböcker
UNRWA har ingått avtal med sina skolor i Judéen, Samarien, Jerusalem och Gaza och ålagt dem att endast använda skolböcker som givits till skolorna av den...
Towards Pending Abbas visit in DC – TIME TO ENFORCE US PLO POLICY...
With President Donald Trump set to greet Machmud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority, at the White House on May 3rd, the time has...
Unrwa Bluff
In February 2011, producers of the Center For Near East Policy Research's short film, "FOR THE SAKE OF NAKB"A, http://tinyurl.com/mnke23r, which exposed UNRWA incitement the UNRWA...
UNRWA does not have any intention of changing their school textbooks
UNRWA is now running a campaign in which it shows itself demanding specific changes in the textbooks used in UNRWA schools, as circulated by...
UNRWA sprider löften att UNRWA kommer att införa ny läroplan för fred
Under den senaste veckan, spred UNRWA budskapet att UNRWA har för avsikt att införa en ny läroplan för fred och tolerans i UNRWA:s skolsystem.
UNRWA spreads the word that UNRWA will introduce new curriculum of peace
Over the past week, UNRWA spread the word that UNRWA intends to introduce a new curriculum for peace and tolerance in the UNRWA school...