Michael Kuttner


BC and CE

Last Pesach (Passover) we experienced the first taste of life in the shadow of a lockdown. These current Chagim (Festivals) of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur...

Time to reboot

When your electronic device refuses to function properly quite often the best solution is to reboot it. Most often this fixes the problem and normal...

Learning from the painful past

The anniversary of the outbreak of World War II has just passed and for Jews, in particular, it represents a grim reminder of lost...

Misplaced euphoria and deceitful deceptions

As though battling COVID 19 was not enough of a challenge, Israelis are now faced with a further two assaults on their equilibrium. The first...

Midsummer madness

Dictionary definition: “foolish or extravagant behaviour supposed to occur during the summer.” We are at the moment more or less in mid-summer and if the above...

Over and out

“There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book.” This anonymous quote came to mind while I...

Doubters, Deniers and Detractors

The nine days between Rosh Chodesh Av and Tisha B’Av of the Jewish calendar give us an ideal opportunity for introspection and a reality...

Spot the shameful sham

If ever you needed further proof that political hypocrisy and double standards reign supreme then this week should have provided ample evidence. There are no...

Going Going Gone

With COVID 19 resurgence, continuing international hypocrisy, sovereignty hyperventilation, mysterious Iranian explosions and PC thought police in some countries running rampant, there is plenty...


This word in Ivrit means “secret.” However, in the context of this opinion piece, it is an abbreviation for Same Old Deceptions Interestingly enough the...