Michael Kuttner


Neither fake nor fiction

We happen to be living at a time when the deluge of news makes it very difficult to sort out the fake from the...

Derangement runs riot

Quote: “We live in a deranged age, more deranged than usual because in spite of great scientific and technological advances, humans have not the...

Theatre of the absurd

We have experienced acts of absurdity this past week so ludicrous as to defy any sort of logical explanation. The main act in this ongoing...

Never say never

Whenever you hear or read about politicians or political parties stating that they will never embark on a particular course of action your alarm...

Home and away

Like the long-running Australian soap opera, this week’s local and overseas events contained a kaleidoscope of drama, villains and recurring themes. With election fever now...

A most dangerous season

We are now in the midst of the three weeks, that period between 17 Tammuz and 9 Av, which commemorates the destruction of both...

Who blinks first?

This very apt quote succinctly sums up the current international situation as well as focusing our memories on past disastrous events when weak-kneed appeasement...

The power of words

How many still recall the old saying some of our parents taught us when we were children that “sticks and stones may break your...

For everything there is a season

There are certain times in our lives when momentous events are destined to occur. The verse from Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) says it most eloquently: For everything there...

Unearthing the evidence

Definition of archaeology: “the study of human history and prehistory through the excavations of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.” For...