​Center for Near East Policy Research

7845 POSTS

UNRWA schools continue teaching Palestinian children to wage war on Israel

Elizabeth Campbell, head of the Washington Representative Office for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) wrote a piece on April 5 in The New York...

April 29, 2019: Recognition Of Israel Never Happened

Recognition of Israel never happened Regarding “PLO to discuss revoking ‘Israel recognition’” (April 22), it should be noted that the PLO never ratified the Oslo...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (April 9– April 16, 2019)

This past week the level of violence demonstrated at the return march was again relatively low (about 7,500 people participated in the march events)....

The newest editions of the textbooks do not mention “Israel” even once; instead, the...

Elizabeth Campbell, head of the Washington Representative Office for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) wrote a piece on April 5 in...

Trump’s Mid-East Deal of the Century Must Dismantle UNRWA’s Fantasyland

Full disclosure: Neither of us has seen an advance copy of President Trump’s Middle East “Deal of the Century.” But we can be certain...

Kushner convinced Trump to drop Palestinian refugee issue from agenda

A campaign by White House adviser and U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner to defund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)...

Canadian “Jews committed to ending Zionism” to celebrate Pro Palestine Seder

Suzanne Weiss is a long time pro Palestinian Jewish activist and a member of Independent Jewish Voices Canada. On January 31, 2019 she was a speaker at an...

The West Bank’s Area C: Israel’s Eastern Line of Defense

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This study explores the strategic-military implications of the establishment of a Palestinian state along the pre-June 1967 lines. Its central thesis is that...

Ilhan Omaar’s “Gift”: Stop hating her and start learning

Some advice to my fellow Americans: Chill, and stop getting angry after every display of Muslim psychology that emerges from the brain of the...

A PLO position paper packed with lies confirms there’s no partner for peace

Overview On the eve of the Israeli elections, the “PLO Committee for Interaction with Israeli Society” published a relatively detailed position paper in Hebrew, aiming...