​Center for Near East Policy Research

7847 POSTS

PM Netanyahu on UNGA Condemnation of Hamas

(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "The draft condemnation of Hamas in the UN General Assembly received a sweeping majority by...

Populist German MP: Germany, EU Funding Anti-Israel Organizations

Mr Bystron specifically refers to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), to which Berlin has given...

Is War Looming in the Baltic Sea?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Russia and Sweden have fought 12 wars over the course of their histories. In recent years, relations have grown tense once again between...

Arabs as “Settlers”

From a House of Commons speech delivered by Earl Jowitt, a Labour politician who served as Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain on December 1. 1954:   ...I...

UC Berkeley settles landmark free speech lawsuit, will pay $70,000 to conservative group

After more than a year of litigation, the University of California, Berkeley, has settled a lawsuit with the Young Americas Foundation and the UC...

The Palestinian Authority is a Genocidal Terrorist Entity and Should be Treated as Such

The PLO became the first terrorist organization to have a seat at the UN and diplomatic representation in a Western country. Daniel Pipes...

Saudi Arabia pledges $50m to UN Palestinian refugee agency

Saudi Arabia has pledged $50 million to UNRWA which has been hit by the withdrawal of all US funding The announcement was made...

Palestinian aid groups perpetuate the conflict

On Nov. 29, 1947, the United Nations voted in favor of a plan to split Palestine into two states – one Jewish and one...

CAIR Executive Director Calls for ‘Murderous’ Israeli Leadership to Be ‘Terminated’

The executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Los Angeles said in a tweet on Sunday that the "murderous regimes" of both Iran...