​Center for Near East Policy Research

7847 POSTS

One people, One Party – The history about the Swedish Social Democratic Party

For over 100 years, the Social Democrats have been the biggest and most influential political party in Sweden. For just as long, they have...

LETTER FROM NEDA: Fostering Palestinian anti-Israel propaganda by creating a myth of terrorism

NEDA AMIN, Head of the Iranian News Department, Israel Resource News Agency at the Center for Near East Policy Reserarch. Translation:  William B. Mehrvarz, Following the release...

Volunteer opportunities for all ages:- anywhere in the world

The Center for Near East Policy Research is dedicated to proactive, investigative research and the publication of well-documented and cutting edge data on the...

Is there a New Israel Fund connection to the nation-state law protests?

Could the group stirring up weekly protests ‎outside Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit’s home for almost two years ‎also be involved in this weekend’s demonstration...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

PM Netanyahu ties Nation-State Law to Law of Return

Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA "The Nation-State Law, first of all, entrenches the Law of Return. It raises it to another level and this law, of...

Questions from a student intern and answers provided by David Bedein

Some questions regarding parts of my paper: How do Arab societies pit Palestinians against Jews? 1 The Arab States could easily absorb the Palestinian Arab population,...

OMG! Now the Jews want Israel to be Jewish!

The Information for prospective Australians that I had to master before I became a citizen declared ‘Australia is a secular country’. Except it’s a little more...

Weekly Commentary: Israel Shouldn’t Give Hamas Years To Prepare To Attack

Next week the Security Cabinet will discuss schemes that would allow Hamas and the other groups in the Gaza Strip continue doing literally everything...

Dr. Arnon Groiss critiques the work of Prof. Nurit Peled-Elhanan

Dr. Arnon Groiss, a scholar of Middle Eastern studies and a retired journalist of Israel's Arabic Radio service, who has been studying, since the...

David Bedein: The 18 Year ​Uphill ​Fight to ​Reveal​ the War Curriculum of the...

David Bedein, Director Israel Resource News Agency Center for Near East Policy Research Beit Agron 37 Hillel Street, Suite 105-106 Jerusalem 94581 Israel