​Center for Near East Policy Research

7848 POSTS

Abbas is not the problem

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' outrageous remarks about Jews may have rocked the world, but they also exposed the international community's disinterest in the...

60 Organizations Call for Steps to Address Exclusionary Behavior at Cal Poly

Dear President Armstrong, We are 60 religious, education and civil rights organizations who are deeply concerned about the “Cal Poly Students’ Demands,” published last month....

The Great Deception March on Gaza’s Border

What would the US do if 30,000 Mexicans, organized by a known terrorist group, marched towards the Texas border, demanding to return to their...

The Value of a Hike?

Israel is not the same small country it once was. When I first visited in 1962, my aunt's then husband would drive down the...

Articles by David Bedein in Russian


Hidden Script Uncovered in Fragments of The Dead Sea Scrolls

An Israel Antiquities Authority researcher examined scroll fragments with the aid of advanced imaging equipment at the Dead Sea Scrolls’ conservation labs, and was...

Iraqi Kurdistan: From scorched land to role model

As electoral campaigning begins in Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan, it is critically important to remember that despite recent political upheavals — including the Iraqi government’s...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

Watch: Netanyahu ‘Iran lied big time’

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu revealed intelligence from Iran's secret nuclear files Monday night. In his address, Netanyahu said that "Iran lied big time" when Iranian...

Krähenbühl: UN Schools May Not Open Next Year, Due to Financial Crisis

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian Refugees said that the emergency aid for a million Palestinian in the Gaza Strip...

ACLJ Files FOIA Lawsuit Against Anti-Israel Deep State Over Burying UNRWA Fraud and Joining...

The ACLJ is once again taking the anti-Israel Deep State back to federal court, this time over allegations that it is burying a U.N....