​Center for Near East Policy Research

7848 POSTS

Meet the man who reveals the true face of UNRWA

For more than thirty years, David Bedein, social worker and investigative reporter, has been working to bring the scandal of UNRWA to public attention. Bedein...

​Indiscretions in the newest UNRWA textbooks​

Having read the UNRWA official response ​to ​their critics, UNRWA declares that they found some 3% of the total pages inconsistent with UN values...

Awards Success Continues for Daniel Zelik Berk’s DAMASCUS COVER as The Spy Thriller Scoops...

Directed by: Daniel Zelik Berk Produced by: Hannah Leader, Huw Jones, Joe Thomas and Masaaki Tanaka Screenplay by:Daniel Zelik Berk & Samantha Newton Based on the novel...

Unacceptable that tax money encourages terrorism ​

It is completely unacceptable that we indirectly encourage terrorism through our taxpayers. At least one can request from our red-green government is that aid...

Oacceptabelt att skattepengar uppmuntrar terrorism

Sverige ger årligen 500 miljoner i bidrag till palestinska organisationer. Detta bistånd har ofta kritiserats. Förra året avslöjades exempelvis att ett kvinnocenter på Västbanken, som...

Terror victim’s family, West Point classmates plead with senators: Stop ‘Pay for Slay’

They were on one of the most meaningful deployments of their lives. A group of West Point graduates fanned out on a mission for one...

Seizing chaos as opportunity making lemonade from “lemons” in the Middle East

If Israeli planners like it or not, regional chaos is increasingly plausible in the Middle East. Whether this chaos should stem from the proliferation...

Deadly Threat from Iran

Former IRGC commander threatens to nuke Israel—and why he’s for real Maj. General Mohsen Rezai founded Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in the early days...

Rosenberg published Holocaust Haggadah

Now that Hanukkah 2017/5778 is behind us, it’s only 100 days until Passover. Earlier this year Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg published “Rosenberg English Holocaust...

Visiting Ramallah

​ Our revenge will be the laughter of our children”; painted on a wall inside of the “Hostel in Ramallah.” (Lilia Gaufberg) This past July, at...