​Center for Near East Policy Research

7838 POSTS

The Stone is a Weapon

The stone was considered a very effective weapon during the First Intifada. Now a new campaign wants to revive the myth and make the...

Tarti Mashma/Double-Entendres

The Judean hills were alive with the sound of music this past Shabbos. The Von Trapps provided no assistance. Yerushalayim residents, chafing like everyone...

MSA Report Reveals Alt-Right, Iran, Far-left and PA Spreading Common Libel against Jews and...

New findings reveal how in wake of coronavirus both the far right, and the far-left, alongside Iranian and PA officials, are spreading similar libels,...

Chinese Leadership Corrupts Another UN Organization

Chinese influence in the United Nations and its affiliated international organizations has been expanding significantly over the past decade. China watchers long have hoped that the communist...

2019 Pledges to UNRWA’s Programmes (Cash and In-kind) – TOP 20 Donors as 31...

2019 Pledges to UNRWA's Programmes (Cash and In-kind) - TOP 20 Donors as 31 December 2019 In USD.

Film made a year before Trump cut off UNRWA

Where do YOUR tax dollars go? PROOF! U.N. Schools teach Jihadi TERROR WorldWide! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsvSUAJCmDw An R$E Production 2017. http://www.roundsaturnseye.com Featuring - David Bedein, http://www.israelbehindthenews.com Dr. Anthony Harper, http://www.imcnews.org Paul Calvert, Reporter for Cross Rhythms Christian...

The Israel Antiquities Authority Reveals Rare Coin from the Bar-Kochba Revolt Discovered at the...

In Honor of Lag B’Omer The Israel Antiquities Authority Reveals Rare Coin from the Bar-Kochba Revolt Discovered at the Foot of the Temple Mount, north...

Taxpayer-Funded Charity Islamic Relief Embraces Violent Anti-Semitism (Again)

On May 3, Islamic Relief USA, the largest Islamic charity in the United States, and whose overseas branches are funded by the U.S. government, ran...

The time to apply sovereignty is now

Let's start at the end – no party in the Israeli political system believes in or champions the notion of granting Israeli citizenship to...

Will Israel find a way to keep terror-supporters out of the Knesset?

Many Israelis wonder how it is possible that elected officials who support acts of terror against the very nation in whose legislature they sit...