​Center for Near East Policy Research

7838 POSTS

The moral bankruptcy of a PLO state

Now more than ever, it is clear to everyone that former Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Ebban was correct to state that “the Palestinians never...

Dead Sea returns to forefront of Israel’s economy, tourist industry

Israel’s Ministry of Tourism and Land Authority recently announced the winners of two tenders for the construction of four new Dead Sea hotels, part...

US Shouldn’t Rejoin UN ‘Tourism’ Agency, Despite Trump’s Budget Request

The Trump administration is continuing its curious fixation with rejoining a United Nations “tourism” agency, amid numerous reasons why the move wouldn’t help the...

All eyes on Germany as UN Security Council debates anti-Israel resolution

It comes as no surprise that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared President Trump’s Middle East peace plan “dead on arrival” even before it was presented at...

Abbas’ Palestinian Authority Hurts Everybody

The Palestinian Authority was established in 1994 as the main product of the Oslo Accords. Based on responsibilities outlined for it in the agreement,...

Brigadier-General (res)Yossi Kuperwasser Speaking at The Jerusalem Centre For Public Affairs

Brigadier-General (res)Yossi Kuperwasser Speaking at The Jerusalem Centre For Public Affairs on 9th February 2020 https://youtu.be/tbvS8QfUe3Y (11 mins)

Jews, Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Teachers’ Guides Published by the Palestinian Authority’s...

The purpose of this study is checking the attitude to Israel, the Jews and the IsraeliPalestinian conflict as reflected in the teachers' guides, namely,...

The Mountain Ridge Will Save Tel Aviv from Ecological Disaster

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Most of the talk about the ravages of last month’s floods in Israel’s coastal cities concerns the responsibility of state authorities that...

Man sprayed in face with ‘unknown substance’ is director of UK counter-terrorist group

A man who was sprayed in the face with an "unknown substance" in the city this week is a prominent expert in counter-terrorism. Noor Dahri...

Why Are We Still Funding UNRWA When We’ve Pulled Funding for the Commonwealth?

The Daily Mail reports on some funding issues for the Commonwealth Secretariat because of ‘significant weaknesses in its approach to managing procurement’. New Zealand has suspended funding...