​Center for Near East Policy Research

7839 POSTS

Glorification of a shahid who recently perpetrated a stabbing attack, at an annual ceremony...

On September 7, 2019, the youth club of the village of Al-Eizariya (situated east of Jerusalem) held the annual ceremony of appreciation for high school and...

Uncover evidence of life on Mars?

The Dead Sea may provide an answer to whether there is life on Mars. In partnership with the Dead Sea Revival Project, Israel’s new...

Berlin cancels performance by rappers who glorify terror at pro-Palestinian rally

Berlin authorities banned on Wednesday two Palestinians rappers who glorify terrorism against Israel from performing at a pro-Palestinian rally following pressure by Israeli and...

Charles Jacobs’ New Year’s Warning: Jewish Leaders are Failing to Protect the Community

WATCH: How and why Jewish leaders are failing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG_9h52Dcpc All of us sense the dark clouds hovering over the Jewish community. Hatred for Jews is coming...

UN releases ‘unprecedented’ report linking anti-Semitism to BDS movement

Israeli, Jewish and pro-Israel groups all applauded the publication of an ‘unprecedented’ United Nations report on anti-Semitism, that, among other issues, links anti-Semitism to...

Behind the Mask: The story behind the BDS

The Ministry of Strategic Affairs presents: “Behind the Mask” MSA report exposes the antisemitic nature of BDS and how it generates antisemitism worldwide. Minister of Strategic...

The Shakir Case: Human Rights Watch vs. Israel

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On September 24, the Israeli High Court is scheduled to hear the appeal filed by Omar Shakir of Human Rights Watch (HRW)...

Report: Anti-Semitic Harassment at U.S. College Campuses Hits Historic Levels

Anti-Semitic harassment on college campuses aimed at pro-Israel students jumped by 70 percent in the past year, the highest levels ever seen, according to...

UNRWA Inaugurates the Jenin Elementary Boys’ School Funded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia...

Today, UNRWA inaugurated a new building in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Jenin Basic...

When Did Historical Accuracy Stop Mattering?

Times of Israel editor David Horovitz and I do not always have the same political perspective. Nu? This is to be expected: Opinions vary....