Official Palestinian Authority PBC Radio Broadcast: Dec. 7

Summary and Analysis

The Palestinian Authority made it clear Thursday that it expects a show of rage and protest tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday, and in this context it also turned its microphones over to Marwan al-Barghouti, the head of Fatah-Tanzim. (see below)

In an interview that lasted more than six minutes, Barghouti specifically called on Palestinians not to fire their weapons from inhabited locations-so as not to draw Israeli fire, but the implication was clear: firing weapons was fine as long as it did not endanger Palestinian civilians.

These actions and statements made it clear that Yasser Arafat, who controls VOP directly, is not steering clear of Baghrouti and his espousal and dispatch of violence, but rather endorsing and encouraging his statements and actions.

In its morning news round-up, VOP contended that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak had a new plan: trading control of the Jerusalem holy sites in exchange for deferral of the right of return for refugees.

Interview with Marwan Baghrouti, Fatah-Tanzim leader, 2:08 p.m.

Q: “In connection with the national and Islamic forces declaring Friday and Saturday as ‘days of rage and marches,’ calling to use all means to fill the goals of the Palestinian society…we have with us Mr. Marwan Baghrouti, Secretary of the Fatah in the West Bank, and we asked him about this call…

A: First of all the national and Islamic forces in their communique call in a clear way for Fridays in the blessed month of Ramadan to be days for heading towards prayer in Jerusalem and days of destiny demonstrations, and the coming two days-Friday and Saturday-call for an increase in demonstrations, popular marches and various activities of the popular Intifada, an increase in the escalation and resistance of the people in all ways, especially as the thirteenth commemoration of the first glorious Intifada (i.e. December 1987) and on this occasion to reawaken the first intifada in our memory and to cause the first intifada and the Al Aqsa Intifada to be joined in our memory. And this means to go out to marches from the mosques from various villages and the camps after the prayers across the homeland and to heed the call to march on the road blocks of Jerusalem towards the Al Aqsa Mosque and to pray in front of the road blocks of the Israeli Occupation. That is what the national forces and the Islamic forces and the forces of Tanzim are calling for….we also call once again for refraining from firing from inhabited houses and populated neighborhoods in order to prevent casualties to residents from Israeli shelling.

Midday Headlines

  • Israeli military siege is clamped down harder throughout the homeland;
  • Occupation army strengthens its formations around the colonies;
  • His excellency President Yasser Arafat receives the American Consul General this morning and the European representative at this moment”


  • His Excellency President Yasser Arafat receives at his Gaza headquarters the European representative to the peace process, Miguel Moratinos;
  • Sheikh Muhammad al-Hussein says Occupation Authorities are turning Jerusalem into a military zone;
  • A call from the national and Islamic forces to come out in force for demonstrations-and this in an interview with Mr. Marwan Baghrouti;
  • A call for the use of all means to resist the economic and military siege on Palestinian lands…;
  • A message to Arab and international forces to put an end to the Israeli aggression…;
  • 65 girls in Qalqilya Primary School suffer Israeli gas attack;
  • President Yasser Arafat receives IMF representative Salam Fayad at his headquarters to discuss the difficult situation facing the homeland;
  • A Lebanese ministerial delegation visited Baghdad today by plane to discuss economic cooperation between the two countries.”

Quotes from interview with PA Parliamentary Affairs Minister Nabil ‘Amr

Q: In your opinion, why is Mr. Barak trying out all these new ideas (i.e. control of Jerusalem sites in exchange for deferral of refugee question)?

A: “There is no doubt that Mr. Ehud Barak needs, for internal reasons, to show himself as the man of peace…and regionally because of the extremely hostile stance to Israel..and he feels it internationally despite the actions of the United States and the Zionists…In addition he is trying to get the votes of the Arabs in Israel. He feels the need to be the man of peace….But we don’t know why he wants deferral (of the refugee question)…In order for there to be a just and lasting peace, all questions have to be settled….But it has to be said that any deferral means the continuation of the conflict (i.e. the Arab-Israeli Conflict) and not its solution.”

Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) was quoted at length about the economic strains on Palstinian society, noting that 380,000 Palestinians had lost their source of livelihood due to Israeli closures. He said the PA had only received thirty million dollars of aid f

How the CIA Operates in Israel

The American intelligence agency bears the main responsibility for the military development of the Palestinian Authority. CIA agents organized courses for snipers, trained special units, and provided sophisticated listening devices, all in exchange for security cooperation with Israel. Now George Tenet, the head of the organization, and John O’Connor, station chief in Israel, have become the only communications channel between the sides. No great success has been chalked up

THE INTELLIGENCE PROS [note: the Hebrew used for “pros” – ashfei – also uses the same letters as the Hebrew for PLO – ASHAF]

At the unsuccessful Paris summit George Tenet, the Director of the CIA, met Yasser Arafat, and demanded that he calm the atmosphere and stop the violence. Tenet did not forget to remind the Palestinian leader that it was not for nothing that the CIA has a reputation of builder and destroyer of nations. According to the British Independent newspaper, the head of the Palestinian Authority was not impressed by the threat.

This was not the first time that Tenet met with Arafat. The Director of the American intelligence agency is considered to be the patron of Israeli-Palestinian-American cooperation since ’96. Over the course of years, Tenet and Arafat met in the region a number of times in order to clinch security deals. Thus the organization, and especially Tenet, who heads it, have gradually become an integral part of all the contacts conducted between the Israelis and the Palestinians in the last three years. And thus the head of the organization, who is responsible for the Bay of Pigs and the Iran-Contras scandals (who did not anticipate even a single important political development in the region, such as the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait or the Oslo accords), has become the object of the wet dreams of the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships.

The American agents trained sniper units, policemen, and intelligence officers, and conducted military exercises for additional units in the Palestinian military apparatus. They also provided sophisticated equipment, built a headquarters for Jibril Rajub, from which they also operate, and operated satellite stations in the Authority’s cities. The Israeli governments, that felt confident of American support, did not express opposition, knowing that, in the final analysis, American intelligence information concerning what was happening in the Authority would aid the security situation in Israel.

Everything has gone topsy-turvy in recent weeks. The security cooperation between Israel and the Authority has become a faint memory, and except for individual initiatives by political elements, in recent weeks, since the outbreak of the riots, Tenet, by means of John O’Connor, the CIA station chief in Tel Aviv, has succeeded in taking control of the communications channels between Israel and the Palestinians. O’Connor was actively involved in the attempts to rescue Yusef Madhat from Joseph’s Tomb about a month ago, and according to the testimony of security sources, also in the surrendering of the lynchers from Ramallah. After four years of active involvement by the CIA in the security contacts between the sides, the failure to calm the situation is glaring. The agreements (that were violated) concerning the Beit Jala-Gilo sector and the meetings between Israeli and Palestinian security elements in Cairo placed O’Connor, Tenet, and the entire CIA organization in the embarrassing situation in which the sides may possibly be beating a path to their door, but do not honor any agreement to which they committed themselves before it [the CIA].

An Opening for the PLO [Hebrew wordplay: petah le-Fatah]

The CIA’s ties with the Palestinians are not something new. Similar to other regions in which the Agency developed ties with the countries with which the US does not officially talk, this also happened with the Palestinian movements and with the PLO.

This began in the ‘seventies in Lebanon, when Bob Ames, the CIA station chief there, started to maintain ties with elements in the Arab world, and especially with PLO people and other factions in Lebanon. In meetings with Israelis he told a great deal about his ties with Abu Jihad and Arafat. The Americans preferred to conceal these ties because of Israeli opposition, and the Palestinian identification with the Soviet bloc, but this did not prevent them from maintaining the open channel. Thus, for example, they exchanged messages with the leading members of the Young Fatah in Beirut, most prominent among whom was the Operations Officer of Black September and the founder of Force 17, Ali Hasan Salameh, who would later be murdered by the Mossad in the explosion of a car bomb.

Salameh served, among other tasks, as the central intelligence officer of the Fatah, alongside Abu-Iyad, and on the background of his ties with Ames, he delivered lectures twice at the headquarters of the CIA organization at Langley, Virginia, about the then-forming PLO. Salameh would later recompense the Americans by protecting the US embassy in Beirut at the beginning of the Lebanese civil war, and provided security for the evacuation of American citizens from the city in 1976. These ties were never broken: Ames mediated between Israel and Arafat during the course of the transfer of the PLO forces from Beirut to Tunis, and Arafat, who met with him on a steady basis, always regarded the ties with the US as a central goal. A tangible insurance policy, paralleling the PLO’s ties with the USSR and the Eastern bloc.

In the ‘eighties the Americans maintained a direct link with Abu-Iyad, that also included preliminary feelers after the eruption of the intifada in 1987, in an attempt to examine the possibility of diplomatic negotiations between the PLO and Israel. These ties became public in the meetings between Robert Pelletreau, the US ambassador in Tunis, and Yasser Abu-Rabo, the deputy of Naif Hawatma, the head of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The American contacts were conducted in parallel to the Palestinian ties with France and security services in additional European countries. In 1990 the US announced the suspension of the dialogue with the PLO, that was already public, in the wake of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and Arafat’s support for Saddam Hussein. Despite this, the contacts continued, and upon the conclusion of the Gulf War and at the time of the preparations for the Madrid Conference the tie once again became public.

The secret negotiations conducted at Oslo between Israel and the PLO caught the CIA by surprise. Even if the Americans knew about some of the meetings, they certainly were not aware of their scope and significance, and they only got on the horse after the fundamental agreements had been reached. The main importance of the story, however, lies specifically in the consequences for the relationship between the Palestinian national movement and the US, consequences that, as far as Arafat is concerned, make an appearance at present as well. The connection with the CIA fulfills a number of goals for him, at this time as well. This is a connection that also guards his life as the head of the Palestinian national movement against the radical elements in Fatah and in Libya, in Iran, and in Iraq. Arafat understood that he needs a new intelligence arrangement. He began to search for this, and he also found it.

Problems in Concentrating

When Arafat signed of the Declaration of Principles in September 1993, Arafat received, for the first time, vital legitimacy from Israel, and with it American support. Israel presented him as a partner and ally in the war against the Hamas terror. The seal of approval received even stronger validity in the Cairo agreement in May 1994, that permitted the entry of the Authority to Gaza and Jericho, and later to the cities of the [West] Bank as well. Before the entry of the forces, security matters were clarified, such as the scope and structure of the Palestinian police. The entire process created exaggerated Israeli expectations. In practice, Arafat did not really take control of the Hamas and Fatah, who were active in the field. Rather, Arafat’s entry to Gaza was also accompanied by a change in the format that had been determined in the agreements. Instead of establishing an administration of the different policing mechanisms that would command the forces, Arafat began to direct the police in a centralized manner. The number of the mechanisms and their function changed; thus came into being the General Intelligence apparatus, under the command of Amin al-Hindi, from Black September; the Preventive Security apparatus, that was headed by Mohammed Dahlan in the Gaza Strip and Jibril Rajub in the [West] Bank; and a string of additional organizations such as Force 17, the Presidential Guard, the Special Security, and the National Security – the Palestinian army, that is based primarily on members of the Palestine Liberation Army that was deployed in Arab countries. Arafat directly controlled each apparatus and intervened in what happened in each, to the smallest details.

Upon the outbreak of the recent riots, the intelligence officers of the Central Command, who briefed IDF forces in Bitunia to the west of Ramallah, warned that the Palestinians received training in anti-terror measures and sniper marksmanship from foreign experts in the tent camp near Jibril Rajub’s new headquarters. It can hardly be said that, as far as the IDF is concerned, that this is an exceptional development. Already in 1994, upon the entry to the territories of the Authority’s forces, Israel accepted this pattern. The goal was strengthening Arafat against the Hamas.

Dr. Boaz Ganor, from the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliyah, explains: “At the basis of the conception was the idea of reliance upon the Palestinian intelligence capabilities, especially since in ’93 they were vastly superior to our [intelligence capabilities] as occupiers. This is a system that lives within its people, is familiar with it, and receives cooperation from it.”

And so thousands of Palestinian police found themselves receiving American training, along with courses by Scotland Yard, courses by the French police, and the police forces of Germany, Austria, Holland, and the Scandinavian countries. Even different frameworks of the UN have, since 1993, been providing training courses, that extend from days to weeks. The training courses include responding to disturbances of public order, the war against terror, interrogations and questioning, administrative police courses, and more. Added to these courses are more advanced and complex topics, of an intelligence nature.

An Israeli intelligence source explains: “On the part of Israel, there was an oral understanding with the Palestinians, that was based on the need to build a Palestinian police force. Everything was conducted under the general understanding that subjects that could trouble the State of Israel would not be taught within the context of the courses.” This was conducted, according to the source, with full transparency to the foreign countries. “The problem was never the very holding of one course or another, but with its content. This was a troubling subject, to which objections were raised by the GSS and by the other organizations, in a specific manner. This was always perceived as a potential threat, but, to the best of my recollection, it never constituted a causus belli. Israel, at the most, expressed its displeasure and moved along.”

The CIA, that conducted some of the courses, also was not free of its own interests. “From my knowledge of the way in which intelligence organizations work,” a military source relates, “the central consideration on the part of the foreign organizations is the recruitment of agents, and during the course of these training sessions they undoubtedly recruited whoever they could.” The source cites as an especially problematic example the training courses that were given in Egypt and in Jordan. “As far as Egypt is concerned, mainly Gaza, but also the [West] Bank, is its front yard, and they have a double motive to know what is happening in the Authority, and through it to also know what is happening in Israel. The Authority’s security cooperation with Egypt unquestionably exceeds the relations with other Arab countries. There are clear indications that people from the Egyptian intelligence are currently present in the territories, and closely follow the recent riots.”

The Element of Penetration

Despite the original Israeli conception of the Palestinian Authority’s [security/intelligence] apparatuses, as if their goal is to fight terror, it was clear, already from the beginning, that the main efforts of the apparatuses were directed to the locating Israeli penetration of their services and the disrupting of the Israeli capability in this context. As is known, old habits die slowly, and decades of activity against Israel in the territories and outside them established a pattern of limited cooperation with Israel. There was no reason why Amin al-Hindi, who for decades had waged the war of minds with the GSS and the Mossad (and maintained for Fatah contacts with the foreign intelligence organizations) would smoothly make the transition to a format of cooperation with Israel; and also for the heads of the other apparatuses, such as Rajub, Dahlan, and others, there is no natural tendency like this, in spite of the Israeli expectations. Additionally, the continued operation of agents in the areas of the Authority after the agreement, and various events, such as the discovery of listening devices attributed to Israel in the headquarters of the one who was supposed to head the Palestinian police, General Nasser Yusuf, did not contribute to a change of this atmosphere.

Between 1994 and 1996 the appearance was created of intensive cooperation, that concealed great hostility and suspicion. In some instances, the Palestinians agreed to act in accordance with Israeli information, but such information led to a chain reaction on the Palestinian side, that had the goal, first and foremost, of revealing how the information had leaked to the GSS. “The instances of the transferal of information or independent Palestinian prevention [of terror] activity are extremely rare, and they happened, for example, on the eve of the last elections in Israel, when the apparatus of Mohammed Dahlan prevented the infiltration of large explosive charges for the purpose of conducting a major terrorist attack in the center of Israel,” a security source explains.

The suicide bombings in February and March ’96 in Jerusalem and in Ashkelon were a turning point in the Palestinian policy. The attacks also constituted a turning point in terms of involvement by CIA operatives, who saw how public opinion in Israel, and Binyamin Netanyahu’s chances of rising to power, cast doubt upon the continuation of the diplomatic process.

After Peres, by means of his emissaries, had attained the April understandings, that included consent to outlawing the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, the American intelligence entered the picture once again, this time in a more active manner than ever.

The first stage was the entry by Stan Moskowitz, the former CIA station chief in Tel Aviv, into the details of the security contacts and the sending of representatives of the intelligence agency to accompany the activity of the Preventive Security and General Intelligence people in Gaza and in Jericho. Meir Dagan, the head of Netanyahu’s security staff: “It is my assessment that the involvement did not stem from a specific and clear decision, but rather from a gradual development. The United States always wanted to know what was really happening, but there is a well-known process of the dragging of intelligence organizations into a crisis. This is a slow process, that receives gradual legitimization by the relevant parties.” First and foremost, the CIA functioned as a conduit for the passing of personal messages to Arafat. “Until then, if information about a senior individual in Hamas had accumulated in Israel, Israel would have addressed Arafat with the information and requested clarifications,” relates a senior security personage. “Arafat would say that the information does not exist or is groundless, or ‘I checked, and there is nothing to it.’ The American involvement began a process of the active clarification and determination of information details in the field.”

Rajub as a Chatterbox

Moskowitz also played a part in the deep involvement of the CIA in that period. Moskowitz, who was his sixties at the time, is described as someone who had free access to the Rais [leader]’s chamber, and as having an open line to the head of the GSS, the Mossad, and the IDF Intelligence Branch, and to the Prime Minister’s Bureau. In that period the Americans also began to undertake the training of Arafat’s Presidential Guard, with courses for the protection of individuals, and improving intelligence capability by means of courses and visits to the Agency headquarters in Virginia. American sources report of visits by apparatus heads Rajub and Dahlan to the American headquarters of the CIA and other intelligence agencies such as the FBI.

In addition to the training of the forces, courses were also given in the organization of databases, along with improving the capability of employing advanced surveillance and photography methods, and the supply of sophisticated listening equipment, such as computer programs capable of monitoring a large number of frequencies. The CIA also supplied the Palestinians with advanced radio scanners, that could also be used to listen in on the frequencies of the Israeli security forces, and additional intelligence equipment.

As the process continued, CIA liaison offices were established on the ground in Hebron, Ramallah, and Shechem. The construction of the Preventive Security compound in Bitunia, next to Ramallah, was completed at the beginning of the year, with the activity of the [Preventive Security] service transferred there from Jericho. This compound, that was built with the aid of the American intelligence agency, is called “the Pentagon” in the Palestinian street. Palestinian sources report of an additional compound of the General Security, that also will be constructed in the Ramallah area.

A CIA officer also is resident in Jerusalem, in the offices of the American consulate in East Jerusalem. This officer conducts tours of Bethlehem and of “seam” [= 1967 border] areas, while disguised in traditional Islamic garb, and conducts meetings on a steady basis with Palestinian security and political elements.

Laboratory Conditions

In January 1997 the CIA involvement acquires a new dimension, when Moskovitz is involved in the formulation of the security appendix to the Hebron agreement, and is directly in charge of the contacts between the Palestinians and the Israelis. He is supervised by Tenet, then only the deputy of John Deutsch, the ousted head of the intelligence agency. Inspired by the agreement, the CIA began to conduct additional activities, such as counting, at Israel’s request, the Hamas members imprisoned in the Palestinian prisons and supervision of the lists of Palestinian policemen.

In July ’97 the American envoy for Middle East affairs Dennis Ross conducts a low-profile security visit, that leads to a clash between him and Netanyahu’s people, on the background of the demand for action against the Hamas infrastructure. When Ross insisted, “You, too, were not successful in contending with the Hamas,” a senior member of the Netanyahu government replied: “You need a terrorist to deal with a terrorist.” Despite the difficult atmosphere, contacts continued for the creation of a formula for the continued transferal of area to the Palestinians, in exchange for determined war against the Hamas (the code word for the arrest of activists, on demand), supervision of continued arrests, the locating of laboratories for explosives, and the arrest of senior wanted [terrorists].

In operational terms, the security cooperation began to acquire a new form. A senior Israeli official at the time relates that Ross’s visit “led to the creation of a veto mechanism, according to which if the Palestinians want to release Hamas members, the names would be given to the CIA, who had the right of veto over the release. In parallel, we conducted a quiet dialogue and updating with the Americans, with the Palestinians being aware of this.” In addition, the American agents went to the prisons to confirm in the field the continued imprisonment of the wanted [terrorists], cooperation that eventually led in practice to the elimination of the military arms of the Hamas and of the Islamic Jihad.

They Shot the Sheriff

A week after the terrorist attack at Cafe Apropo, the CIA people came to Bitunia to examine the garage in which the explosion occurred, as a result of which Muhi ed-Din esh-Sharif, who was known as the Engineer no. 2, was killed. GSS people also were seen beside them. In the end, a joint version was established, that esh-Sharif was murdered with a pistol by I’adal Awadallah, as a result of financial and tactical disagreements. Hamas, of course, denied this, but the episode was a major embarrassment for the movement.

The CIA-inspired security cooperation was also noticeable in the capture of two members of the Tzurif gang that carried out the terrorist attack at Apropo. Jamal Alhud and Abd-el-Rahman Janimat fled to Hebron after the attack, and were arrested by members of the Preventive Security. The two were transferred for some reason from the Hebron prison to the one in Shechem, and close to the village of Hawara IDF special units took control of the vehicle and captured them without opening fire. Following the arrest, demonstrations by Hamas activists against Rajub were held in Hebron. Rajub himself denied that the arrest was the result of any cooperation with Israel, and claimed that the pair were transferred to Shechem in order to stand trial. An Israeli security source describes: “Unrelated to the diplomatic contacts, during the course of the entire period, there was noticeable determined action by the Palestinian security services, under supervision by CIA people, that included action against preachers identified with the Hamas in the mosques, and continued arrests of members of the movement.”

As a result of this activity, I’adl and Imad Awadallah, the heads of the military arm of Hamas, were eliminated by a Yamam [special antiterrorist police unit] force at a farm near Hebron, in a region under Israeli control, and in December 1999 the Hamas members Iad Batat and Nadr Musala, also senior members of the military arm, were killed in a clash with Duvdevan soldiers in the village of Bet-Awa, southwest of Hebron. Sheikh Abd el-Hakim el-Masalama, a member of the political leadership of the Islamic Jihad, who currently sits on the joint committee with Fatah, said this week: “There is no doubt that the security cooperation under American inspiration had harsh consequences for the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. The most prominent expression of this policy is the Palestinian Authority’s policy of political arrests, that was done under American pressure. Beyond this, our people encountered American agents in the prisons, when they came to check that they were under arrest. It is clearly known among the Ramallah people that an entire floor in the ‘Pentagon’ is used by the CIA people.”

Screen Check

In November ’97 Tenet appeared before the Conference of Jewish Organizations and shared his feelings with those present: “There is a single ray of light on the background of the terrorist attacks in the past two years in Israel, and that is the contribution by the US to the work of the sides in facilitating the dialogue and security cooperation, especially in that it caused the Palestinians to fulfill their obligations.”

The entry of the organization into direct action aroused criticism in Israel. “Until the entry of the CIA, we were forced to contend with low-level State Department reports regarding the construction in the settlements,” relates one of Netanyahu’s people, “until this construction became the central dynamics between the secret services. Censuses of mobile homes became the central focus of interest by the CIA people, and the subject also arose in the security discussions.” In another instance the Arab weekly that is published in Paris, Alwatan el-Arab, claimed that Netanyahu even demanded the firing of Moskovitz, claiming that he was pro-Palestinian. The report resulted in denials from Jerusalem.

Despite the criticism, the outing by Tenet and Moskovitz came about, in all places, in the Wye talks, when the two were present for the first time publicly in the rooms of the discussions, and accompanied the negotiations during the nine days they were held. The presence of the two, who came after a direct invitation from Clinton and the involvement of the Agency in the resolution of the disagreement between Israel and the Authority, stirred up much criticism in the American media and in the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, that oversees the organization. The head of the committee, Senator Richard Shelby, defined the role of the CIA as a nuisance, and voiced the opinion of many who thought that there was a problem in the CIA’s being about to be involved up to its neck in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Melvin Goodman, a professor of international security and who is close to high-level American security circles, describes the problematics: “Clinton initiates moves, and the Senate goes along with him willingly in order to assure the attainment of a diplomatic agreement. This is a matter for statesmen, and not for secret services. The CIA has defined tasks of information gathering, the recruitment of agents, and the writing of situation assessments. Tenet, who is no more than a skilled Democratic politician who spent most of his time on Capitol Hill, did not know about the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, and now he ‘cooks up’ situation assessments for Clinton.”

After the outbreak of the latest clashes with the Palestinian Authority, Tenet and O’Connor were asked to save the diplomatic process and their role as referees in this game, so far without results. The terrorist attacks in the past week merely attest to the inability of the CIA people, who are not successful in calming the arena. In practice, the Agency people are still in the field, but their function is not tangibly expressed in a calming of the situation.

Several months after King Hussein’s death last year and the crowning of Abdullah, American security sources reported a strengthening of regional cooperation in the war against terror. The sources, who briefed senior American reporters, proudly spoke of the creation of a regional regime of effective cooperation between Jordan, Israel, the Palestinians, and Egypt under the aegis of the CIA against the fundamentalist elements in the Islamic world. A senior Israeli political figure, who is familiar with the CIA involvement in the current conflict, said this week: “In a situation of military conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and the danger of an expansion of the conflict, it is preferable for Tenet and his buddies, and the can of worms that accompanies them, to direct their calming efforts to other places.”

The American embassy stated that it does not respond to matters related to the CIA.

This piece ran in Kol HaIr on Nov. 24th

Official Palestinian Radio Authority PBC broadcast – Dec. 6


VOP newscast and features focused today and last night on the continuing economic deprivation and physical plight of the Palestinian people, giving a day-by-day account not only of martyrs but of loss to gross domestic product. VOP quoted UN Terry Larsen as saying that the economic gains of seven years had been erased in two months, while Palestinian poverty was rampant. Larsen said 32 percent were now under the poverty line, while VOP featured a Palestinian economist, Dr. Muhammad Shtei’ah, who said the figure was probably closer to 45 percent.

Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) was quoted at length about the economic strains on Palstinian society, noting that 380,000 Palestinians had lost their source of livelihood due to Israeli closures. He said the PA had only received thirty million dollars of aid from Saudi Arabia-only a small part of the aid promised at the recent Arab summit.

At the same time the VOP has not neglected its aim of focusing world attention on Palestinian travails and Israeli aggression. This point, too, was also at the heart of an unusual recitation of an interview (conducted not by VOP but by a Gulf newspaper) with Mahmoud Abbas in which he stressed the twin goals of achieving an international protection force as well as immediate operation of an investigation into the start of hostilities.

Key PA officials (today Ahmad Qureia, earlier Yasser Abd Rabbo) have been quoted on VOP as contending that Israeli claims of ongoing negotiations are nothing more than tactics in the Israeli election campaign.


Quotes from Interview with Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), PLO Executive Committee Secretary:

“About the cause of the Palestinian Intifada, Abu Mazen said: ‘In spite of the pollution by Sharon of the holy Jerusalem shrine (i.e. Dome of the Rock) being the direct cause of the Intifada, the indirect cause was the condition of frustration in which the Palestinian people have been living during a failing peace process for two years. The purpose of the intifada was to make Israeli recognize its sins in the execution of fits military aggression against our people.” ((Interview from Al-Bayan of United Arab Emirates, quoted directly in unusual full-length feature on VOP morning news round-up, 7:45 am, Dec. 6))

Quotes from Interview with Ahmad Qureia (Abu Ala), Speaker of PA Legislature:

“The position of the Palestinian Authority is that Israel has no choice but to implement the laws of the peace process as set forth in international legitimacy, meaning land for peace. There is no escaping bring an international protection force for the Palestinian people to prevent Israel from continuing to kill our people. And it is important to witness that the settlers are the fundamental source of the aggression, an aggressive, right-wing, extremist militia carrying out operations for killing and violence against the Palestinian people. We will cling to resistance to the Occupation-which is a legitimate right for us. This resistance has many forms but we feel the appropriate form at this stage is the present continuing intifada but there are many forms of resistance. We will not stop. The Palestinian cause is the cause of the Arabs, and if Israel does not realize these facts then it will face disaster and so will the region.”

WEDNESDAY DEC 6-MORNING HEADLINES: (taken from 7:30 and 8:00 am headlines) *–“Every day of Israeli aggression is another five million dollars; *–The UN General Assembly reasserts that the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination; *–Mr. Mahmoud Abbas-Abu Mazen-says that world capitals are working harder for an international protection force for the Palestinian people; *–Two more martyrs brought to rest in Ramallah and Al-Bireh including the child Ramzi ‘Adil Bayatnah; *–Occupation forces shell several neighborhoods in Al-Bireh; *–Former head of the Israeli Shabak, Ami Ayalon, opposes the policy of closures against our steadfast people; *–Barak and Sharon hold nighttime meeting.”


There is still no mention on VOP of any attacks on Jewish targets in Gilo, Pesagot or any other locations. The Israeli fire on Palestinian targets, then, is always pictured as an unprovoked attack with only “evil” “criminal” intentions.

For example, local correspondent Rashid Hilal, from Ramallah and Al-Bireh, opening the morning news:

“Occupation forces opened their criminal actions with a heavy artillery shelling of the city Al-Bireh last night. The neighborhood of Jamal Abdul-Nasser saw the martyring of Ramzi ‘Adil Bayatnah who was struck by fire when an Occupation dum-dum bullet entered his eye.”

Note: In yesterday’s news, VOP brought a gory description of the martyring of Awad Silmi, 27, whose body was found “ripped to pieces” near a Gaza cement factory. VOP did not mention that Silmi was a senior HAMAS bomb maker and that his death was apparently caused when a bomb he was preparing blew up in his hands.


“Our estimate is that as of today our losses are one billion one hundred million dollars.” (Palestinian economist Muhammad Shtei’ah)


*–“Two martyrs are brought to burial in. and Bethlehem; *–President Yasser Arafat in Cairo for talks; *–The Palestinian Authority denies any secret talks with Israeli side; *–Evil Israeli attacks continue against our people; *–Israeli press starts evil incitement against Palestinian people, directed by Israeli government and military authorities.”

Radio News – the PBC Radio, December 5th

Summary and Analysis

Behind the headlines and the rhetoric, it appears that VOP is working hard to keep the martial spirit alive among Palestinians whose commitment to fight may be sagging. For the last two weeks, there has been an attempt to inflate casualty figures and to keep alive week-old stories of martyrs and wounded, recycling the material through several days of news cycles.

It is also apparent in the last two weeks, but particularly since Nov. 30, that VOP has further exaggerated its rhetoric and introduced items of very questionable authenticity in an effort to rekindle mass activities, for example:

  • Broadcasting shortly before mosque prayers on Friday December 2 that Israel was using dogs against Palestinians, including an attempt to introduce dogs into the holy shrines of the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif;
  • Reports about attacks on women prisoners;
  • Deliberately exaggerated accounts of atrocities and attempted massacres, replete with gory bodily descriptions.

VOP has at the same time been very conscious of the growing economic and physical strains of the conflict. It has not reported what the Israeli media are reporting-that the Barak Government has decided to allow the entry into Israel of 16,000 Palestinian workers daily. It may be that VOP has better information than the Israeli media about Barak Government policies (which has happened more than once), but it also may be that such a report would go against the grain of VOP policy: to show the Palestinians as victims of continuing Israeli aggression on both the military and economic fronts.

VOP reported that PA Health Minister Dr. Riyad al-Zaanoun said there were officially 269 martyrs in Al-Aqsa Intifada along with the addition of another 50 who had not yet been officially registered for various reasons. He told a press conference that there were 6,869 wounded Palestinians as of last night in Gaza, with another 4,760 in Jerusalem and the West Bank. (Ed. Note: the figures were a bit contradictory because PA narrator Samir Interr, who seemed to get mixed up in the middle of the casualty count, also read a second casualty figure of 4,615 for Gaza, leaving a discrepancy. Interr also quoted a figure of 5,890 Palestinians wounded by gas, and it was not clear if this was part of the previous total or another new category. He made it clear that there were 1,604 casualties “inside the Green Line.” This in itself is symbolically very interesting because it again shows that the PA has come to regard Israeli Arabs as part of its community.)

The VOP went to great lengths in its morning news round-up to underscore Yasser Arafat’s denial of any secret contacts with Israel (a story that has been widely circulated among the Israeli media). Arafat’s own denial was supported by a detailed accounting of his recent itinerary and a specific quotation from him that his last meeting with any Israeli official was the prominent meeting with Shimon Peres several weeks ago.

Quote of the Day

“Of the casualties, 40 percent were under the age of 18, and 60 percent were over the age of 18. Head wounds were 18 percent. Stomach wounds were 20 percent. Chest wounds 20 percent. And in the four limbs 44 percent.” (PA narrator Samir Interr, citing PA Health Ministry summary of the Al Aqsa/Independence Intifada [tr: Intiadat al-Aqsa wa Intifadat al-Istiqlal])

Quotes from Interview with Nabil Abu Rudeina, spokesman for Yasser Arafat:

“The reality is that there are no secret talks with Israel. All these reports are unfounded.

Question: What are our conditions for talks with Israel?

Answer: First of all agreements exist, and these agreements bind Israel. The interim stage of talks is over, and we are now in the stage of final status, which Israel has evaded with its confrontations. The Arab, international and Palestinian positions cling to international legitimacy..But we are dealing with Israeli obstinacy.And that has plunged the region into the throes of instability. The present Israeli government has struck at all the agreements. The return to peace is dependent on Israel executing its agreements, on international legitimacy and the equation of land for peace. The thing that can accomplish this is the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.”

Morning Headlines

  • “Heavy Israeli artillery attacks on populated areas of Ramallah, Al-Bireh, Jenin and Bethlehem;
  • Settlers concentrated in the colony of Giloh firing their weapons on citizens in ‘Aida Camp and Beit Jallah, and three citizens were wounded as a result of the evil shelling;
  • The martyring yesterday of Awad Salah Silmi, 27 years old, from the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza. Citizens found the martyr’s body ripped apart, smeared and cast behind the cement factory near the Mintaar Crossing Point in Gaza;
  • Settlers and occupation soldiers continued attacks without reason at various points in Gaza and near Qalqilya, wounding five citizens;
  • Israeli forces moved tanks and artillery at Kufr Dik and Burqeen near Sulfit;
  • President Yasser Arafat denies any diplomatic meetings with Israel;
  • Occupation soldiers from what is known as ‘the border patrol’ invaded the Shatta Prison last night to attack women prisoners and to transfer several of them. In a message sent by the prisoners to the Palestinian News Service, they said the occupation forces had used all kinds of chemical means against them, also striking them with clubs;
  • This is only part of the escalations taken by Israeli prison authorities during the blessed month of Ramadan.”

Notable and Noteworthy

“What the ‘Independence Intifada’ has made it clear is that there can be no peace with the settlements…” (PA morning news show host, Samir Interr)

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio December 2nd

Evening Headlines

  • “Four funerals in Gaza today for four martyrs who fell before Occupation aggression yesterday: the children Mith’haq Muhammad Jad-Allah, 14 years old, Muhammd Saalih al Arjah, 12 years old, and Yaseen Muhmmad Shahada, 23 years old, Hamzi Nadi al-Hasis, 27 years old;
  • Settlers from Efrat took over 50 dunams belonging to the village al-Khader;
  • Occupation forces opened heavy and wicked artillery fire on inhabited neighborhoods in Hebron;
  • Presidential Secretary Taib Abdel Rahim renewed Palestinian Authority refusal to accept any delay or staging in meeting any of the matters for discussion in final settlement….Mr. Abdel Rahim said Israeli attempts at a partial solution were an attempt to buy time…Mr. Abdel-Rahim said the Intifada had a specific political goal and that was rolling the occupation back entirely from our land and establishing an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital….”

Quotes from Interview with Yasser Abd-Rabbo, PA Minister of Information

“The partial solutions which were acceptable before entry into talks on final status-talks which include refugees, Jerusalem and final borders-these solutions are refused for a final solution. As we’ve entered final solution, he wants to return to interim solutions but that they be permanent-only without Jerusalem and the refugees. That’s the policy we are hearing….All this mucking around shows that he’s not serious….”

Attitude to Reconciliation or Negotiation With Israel

In Abdel-Rahim’s comments-as well as comments from Abd-Rabbo and Abu-Ala (Ahmad Qreia) and other PA officials-the PA is not ruling out any talks with Israel, as long as Israel agrees to Palestinian terms.

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio December 3rd

Summary and Analysis

VOP led its Sunday morning news round-up with an interview with PA Information Minister Yasser Abd Rabbo who reiterated the PA’s demands for a complete final settlement including the right of return, Jerusalem and an independent Palestinian state in all of the West Bank and Gaza.

A similar statement Sunday by PA Presidential Secretary Taib Abdel-Rahim-underscoring the right of return — was reported in detail throughout the day.

VOP continues to feature in detail the deaths and funerals of the martyrs, giving much detail to Palestinian wounded as well. In addition, the theme of economic and medical deprivation is appearing regularly in the statements of PA officials.

Morning Headlines

  • “President Yasser Arafat to visit Yemen today, after visiting Abu Dhabi yesterday;
  • The UN General Assembly votes on resolutions supporting the Palestinian people;
  • Presidential Secretary Taib Abdel-Rahim says that a return to talks is contingent on the seriousness of Israel and its willingness to keep UN resolutions 242 and 338, meaning the principle of land for peace;
  • Shahadeh Mustafa Jafari, 26, is martyred while working on a building in al-Bireh…” (NOTE: item was then moved up to number one item in full news details)

Evening Headlines, 7 p.m.

  • “Two funerals today in Hebron and Ramallah;
  • Muhammad Dahlan says there is no point to negotiations with Israel because of Israeli mentality and racism;
  • Israel continues its siege, causing food shortages;
  • President Arafat holds talks in Yemen;
  • Minister Yasser Abd Rabbo says any future talks with Israel have to be under international supervision. He said there would be no peace with Israel without an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and a return of the refugees.”


VOP has been largely ignoring deaths and injuries of Israeli civilians in its coverage, especially in the last two weeks.


There was no coverage of the shooting of a civilian bus at the French Hill junction in Jerusalem on Friday afternoon (nor in any subsequent bulletins), although Israel said the shooting was committed by a PA policeman, who threw away his Kalashnikov rifle at the scene.

Similarly, there was no coverage of the stabbing of two Israeli civilians at the al-Ram junction in Jerusalem on Sunday afternoon

Quotes from Interview with Ahmad Abdul-Rahman, PA Cabinet Secretary

“Israel does not want an international inspection. Israel does not want international observers. Israel wants to continue its aggression against the Palestinian people as long as America is providing its protection and as long as the European countries fail to take a firm position against the aggression.

If this aggression continues, it is clear that is the election program of Ehud Barak, his government and his party and their statement to the Israeli voter.”

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio December 4th

Summary and Analysis

VOP charged Monday morning that the Israeli army was giving back-up fire in support of settlers attacking citizens in Husan near Bethlehem who were trying to carry out a massacre of Palestinians similar to the one carried out in Ramadan 1993 (i.e. the Goldstein massacre in Hebron in which 29 were murdered).

VOP led its Sunday morning news round-up with an interview with PA Information Minister Yasser Abd Rabbo who reiterated the PA’s demands for a complete final settlement including the right of return, Jerusalem and an independent Palestinian state in all of the West Bank and Gaza.

A similar statement Sunday by PA Presidential Secretary Taib Abdel-Rahim-underscoring the right of return — was reported in detail throughout the day.

VOP continues to feature in detail the deaths and funerals of the martyrs, giving much detail to Palestinian wounded as well. In addition, the theme of economic and medical deprivation is appearing regularly in the statements of PA officials.

Quote of the Day

“A responsible Palestinian source issued the following statement last night: ‘In a premeditated and planned escalation, the Israeli occupation army and a group of settlers opened fire with their weapons on tens of worshipers in the town of Husan in the Bethlehem region. As the townspeople gathered for the evening prayers, the hate-filled settlers, under the protection of the Occupation Army, began laying siege to the place and opening live fire in a deliberate attempt to murder the all the worshipers, causing various injury to thirty citizens, some of them serious. And when the ambulances attempted to transport the wounded, the settlers and the soldiers prevented their transport directly to hospitals in and Bethlehem and Beit Jallah.

The cold-blooded and despicable shooting of worshipers recalls the massacre committed by settlers under the protection of the Occupation Army in the holy Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron in the holy month of Ramadan in 1993. We turn to world opinion and to all parties for the need to give us protection from the aggression of settlers and the Occupation Army. We hold the Israeli government completely responsible for this criminal act of invasion which represents a dangerous escalation in a crazy attempt to repress our steadfast people.

But our people, after this aggression, will not be cowed…and it asserts that it will cling to its heroic intifada and to its firm national goals.’

That is the text of the state by a responsible Palestinian source in the wake of events in the town of Husan.”

(Note: the statement was in effect the equivalent of an official PA cabinet communique.)

Note on coverage: VOP has not reported any of the attacks on Israeli neighborhoods or communities in Giloh, Pesagot or Hebron. Interestingly, neither VOP nor Israel state radio reported what IDF radio reported monday morning, the Palestinian attempt to conquer the tomb of Rachel on Sunday night in a three-pronged attack

Notable and Noteworthy

“They think they will overcome us village by village, town by town. We will not let them. If they overtake a village, we will open up fronts on them from every quarter….We will confront them no matter what the results….This is like what happened yesterday in Aida Camp and Gaza Camp and Husan. The citizens stood up to their tanks with only their flesh…We will fight them no matter what the losses to achieve our national dreams and our national goals.” (From Interview, 8:15 a.m., with Salah Ta’amari, senior PLO official in Bethlehem, and PA legislator.)

Morning Headlines 8/9 a.m.

  • A reliable source holds Israel responsible for the great crime committed in Husan;
  • Israelis attack Aida Refugee Camp with heavy helicopter fire;
  • Beit Jallah, Hebron and Al-Bireh attacked heavily overnight;
  • President Arafat meets with Sheikh Hamad Ibn Khalifa of Qatar;
  • Major battles in Husan, and responsible sources say Israel will be held responsible for wounding tens of our citizens;
  • Settlers increase their aggression against our citizens.

Official PA Radio: The Voice of Palestine: December 1 – Official Claim that Israel Dispatched Dogs to the Temple Mount

Summary and Analysis

VOP began its broadcasts with Islamic programming, offering its first news bulletin at 8 am, leading with the latest deaths and funerals of martyrs.

Shortly before the main Friday prayer service, VOP broadcast several items in its 10 a.m. news summary to the effect that Israel had begun using police dogs to attack Palestinians. VOP said Muslim guards at the Al Aqsa Mosque had repelled Israeli attempts to install police dogs today at the mosque. (Note: muslims consider dogs to be unclean animals, and any attempt to put dogs on sacred soil would be even a worse affront than any “pollution” committed by Ariel Sharon by his visit to the area on September 28.)

Despite Israeli press reports about encouraging signs of a meeting soon between Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barak, VOP broadcast an Arafat denial about any such meeting. VOP also quoted Arafat to the effect that he would refuse any meeting with Israel until it withdraws its tanks, and he further said the PA would not discuss any partial or gradual Israeli withdrawal plans. Instead, the PA would insist on a total Israeli pullback.

Friday a.m. headlines

  • “Continuation of Israeli aggression against our people: three more martyrs yesterday and tens of wounded, some in dangerous condition;
  • The martyrs are Ismail Abu-Rous, 20 years old…kileld in the Mintaar transit point in Gaza….the young lady, Warid Ahmad Badan, 17 years old from the village of Teqoah in the Bethlehem prefecture who was buried yesterday, and the child Shadi Ahmad Zughul, 14, from the village of Husan in Bethlehem prefecture who was run over by a hateful settler as he was trying to run away, and who was brought to rest yesterday;
  • Security officials refuted Israeli claims of withdrawals from the City Inn and other locations along roads throughout the (West) Bank;
  • Dr. Saeb Erikat, Minister for Local Rule, said that the steps announced by Israel for executing for the purpose of building confidence were just public relations stunts;
  • Occupation forces continued their acts to cause destitution in Bani Naim village in the Hebron prefecture, by expanding the colony of Bani Sir (sic) on the lands of the (Palestinian) citizens. And the occupation forces occupied a house in Dir al-Balah, displacing four citizens, including one child;
  • Occupation authorities continued the closure of occupied Jerusalem to prevent citizens from aropund the West Bank reaching prayers at the Al Aqsa Mosque on the first Friday of the blessed month of Ramadan;
  • Engineer Faiz Zaydan, the head of the aviation authority, announced the return of service at Gaza airport starting at nine o’clock today through three thirty in the afternoon every day in a partial lifting of the Israeli blockade that was started several weeks ago;
  • His Excellency President Yasser Arafat denied readiness to hold a summit conference with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, stressing the need for Israel first to carry out its obligations under previous agreements, especially the Sharm al-Sheikh understandings, if it wants peace, tranquility and stability in the region;
  • And the Palestinian Authority refused the Israeli proposal of another 10-percent (ten percent) Israeli withdrawal in an elongated interim agreement;
  • Ahmad Qureia-Abu Ala-the head of the legislature said that the American administration’s continued support for Israeli positions will not buttress the peace process.
  • Colonel Jibril Rajoub, head of security apparatus in the West Bank, said that the agent Alan Bani Odeh who is responsible for murdering the martyr Ibrahim Bani Odeh admitted to him that when he killed Ibrahim Bani Odeh he was carrying out orders of the Israeli security service (i.e. the Shin Bet or Shabak known as the G.S.S.).”

Official PA Radio: The Voice of Palestine: November 30

Summary and Analysis

VOP chose to highlight economic issues in its morning news program, featuring four items on the deprivations forced on the Palestinian people by the Israeli closures. The news bulletins continued to lead with detailed coverage of the deaths and funerals of martyrs joining “the stars of the intifada” (i.e. earlier martyrs now in paradise).

The main morning news interview featured PA Information Minister Yasser Abd Rabbo, detailing PA efforts to achieve international condemnation of Israel: not only international condemnation of specific Israeli actions, but broad-based condemnation for all Israeli policies as well as the dispatch of an international protection force. VOP features these diplomatic efforts as “ways to stop Israeli aggression.”

Interview with PA Information Minister Yasser Abd Rabbo: “My visit to New York centered first around a meeting with the international investigation commission headed by the former American senator George Mitchell, and the former Turkish president and the Norwegian foreign minister and his excellency the European (Community) representative Salana. This meeting dealt directly with the duties of the commission in our region…Naturally, the commission has been delayed, and we clearly criticized this delay, and it is also clear that this delay was caused by pressures and tactics taken by Israel to prevent the commission from dealing immediately with its task….

It was assumed that the commission would begin its duties after the Sharm al-Sheikh summit….We therefore believed it should reach the region immediately and that the center of its activities should be here and not outside the region-but here meeting all the parties. Its importance is linked to the Security Council decision condemning Israeli aggression and condemning Israeli violence and calling for an investigation of the crimes committed against the Palestinian people.

Also, we expressed our belief…that the commission mandate was… also on the basis of the Fourth Geneva Convention which has clear provisions protecting a civilian population against acts of war under occupation. That dovetails with the Palestinian situation….And therefore the commission should investigate all Israeli violations -all the aggression and the killing on a daily basis against the Palestinian people-as well as all the forms of the economic blockade practiced three million Palestinians….”

The Voice of Palestine: November 28 (afternoon) November 29 (morning)

Summary and Analysis

VOP treated the idea of new elections in Israel somewhat diffidently, largely downplaying the possibility in the afternoon broadcasts of November 28 and incorporating news of the election law as the number six item in the November 28 late-night news. The new Israeli elections moved up a bit in the morning line-up along with some analytical features on the ramifications of the new development.

The PA also made it clear that it was not going to accept any partial or gradual political solutions, and several officials emphasized that this meant not only total Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 frontiers but also implementation of the Palestinian right of return.

The top of the news was dominated by news of martyrs being brought to rest in various locations.

The morning news included a long news feature focusing on two sets of parents who had lost children in confrontations with Israeli forces. The feature, by Sarah Masarwah, came to following conclusion:

“There is an air of fraternal camaraderie between the 82 Palestinian mothers of Gaza who lost their children in uneven confrontations with the Occupation Army firing at them. But these mothers who grieve over the loss of their loved ones glow over their children and their blessed masculinity.”

Quote of the Day

“We say to the Israelis ‘there is only one way to make peace with us, and that is by withdrawing completely, to the ’67 borders, first of all in holy Jerusalem.”
(Saeb Erikat, PA Minister for Local Rule, and chief negotiator, interviewed from Amman for VOP morning show, November 29)

Quotes from Interview with Minister Saeb Erikat, chief PA negotiator, 2 p.m., November 28:

“Mr. Barak realizes completely that the interim stage and the partial stage are completely over. The Israeli prime minister has to realize that the only thing possible is the complete ending of Israeli occupation and the execution of Resolution 242 including the complete Israeli withdrawal to the borders of June 4, 1967. We are saying with complete frankness that execution of 242 and 338 means a final solution and the release of our women prisoners and (male) detainees. We are absolutely not willing to leave anything and that means the three villages Abu Dis, El-Azariyya and (unclear) al-Sharqiyya must go into Zone A. What is the use of talking about elongated and gradual solutions?”

November 28 afternoon/evening

Afternoon Headlines

  • “Israel shells neighborhoods in Gaza this morning;
  • The Palestinian National Authority rejects interim solutions;
  • A Palestinian-Jordanian-Egyptian meeting in Aqaba;
  • In the American elections, it was announced that George Bush defeated Al Gore;
  • The Palestinian National Authority welcomes the decision of Iraq to include Palestinians in oil drilling. (Detailed story describes Iraqi request of the UN to make donation to Palestinian fund from incomes derived from UN-sanctioned drilling).

Quotes from interview with MK Ahmad Tibi
(broadcast at end of 2 p.m. news hour, November 28):

Question: “Dr. Tibi, what is your stance as Arabs in the Knesset?”

Answer: “We have said from the beginning of this revolution (i.e. the al-Aqsa Intifada) we have no links with Ehud Barak and his government, and over the weekend we made it clear that we had to shatter the political status of Ehud Barak. Therefore we will vote with the opposition for a new date for elections. Therefore Barak and his government have to fall.”

Question: “Dr. Ahmad, what specifically is your stance as Arab members (of Knesset)?”

Answer: “We will hold a meeting at 2:30 for the Arab members to set up a united Arab position, but our tendency is clearly to vote at the end for the fall of Barak.”

Evening Headlines, November 28 — 10 p.m.

  • Occupation forces continued their evil attacks against our people shelling residences in Tulkarm and Jenin and invading the villages of Hizma, north of Jerusalem, and Ramon, near Ramallah;
  • There was news of two more martyrs: Imaya Abdullah, 17 years of age, who was shot in the head by an Israeli solider, of Shati (refugee) camp, and the child Karam a-Kurd, 14 years of age, who died of shots in the head suffered a few days ago;
  • 15 citizens were wounded by live fire in Ramon;
  • Occupation troops also tried to attack today in Qalqilya;
  • Five members of one family were injured in occupied Jerusalem when Israeli security police invaded their home;
  • The tripartite Palestinian-Jordanian-Egyptian meeting just ended in Aqaba.;
  • Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak announced his readiness to accept early elections, saying he would meet other parties to determine the date of the elections;
  • In his remarks, Barak said there was no magical military solution to the Intifada of our people”

November 29, 11 a.m. Morning Headlines

  • The Intifada entered its third month in the expectation that the international community would show solidarity with the struggle of our people for their firm national rights which are indivisible: the right of return, the right of self-determination and building an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital;
  • President Yasser Arafat called on the international community to show solidarity with the Palestinian people today, the day for solidarity with the Palestinian people;
  • His excellency left the homeland today for Tunis for an official visit;
  • The president’s spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina said that continuing international efforts had not yet brought an end to Israeli aggression against our people.

November 29, 12 Noon News Round-up

  • Three more martyrs are being brought to burial today with the other stars of the Intifada (then full details of names, ages, addresses);
  • The extremist Ariel Sharon says that he will support an emergency government in Israel until new elections are held.