Filmmaker: Human Rights Report “a pornographic moment in UN history” David has made three films in the last two years that explain the human rights violations being perpetrated by Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. He and I discuss his latest film, The Children's Army...

New UNRWA film that we first screened on Sept 27 at office of...

" From UNRWA to Al Aqsa" ​earlier UNRWA films: ​ ​This was screened as our senior investigative staff presented our comprehensive translations of all PA school books used in UNRWA schools, along with our recent UNRWA investigations. Full text: our study of...

Who pays for the ongoing decades-long UNRWA fiasco and why it matters: The latest...

UNRWA was created almost seventy years ago and has evolved into the UN's single largest arm, employing more than 30,000 staffers. Ninety-nine percent of that incomprehensible total (we explain why in a moment) is made up...

Incitement to Return – English

UNRWA does not create policies on its own

At a time when news of renewed aid to UNRWA from the US, Canada, the UK, Saudi Arabia, Norway and Germany now dominate the headlines, the time has come  for a dispassionate perspective from...

UNRWA Right of Return Summer Camp August 2011

Film “Iran: Billions For Terror”- Released Sept. 11, 2015 ​​With billions of assets ​which may soon be ​unfrozen for Iran, this film interviews boy and girl​ ​students ​from​ UNRWA schools in Gaza, as they ​learned to become child soldiers at ​ Hamas military...

Hamas official: “Hamas and UNRWA are directly connected”

Hamas Minister of Religion speaks about the direct connection between Hamas and UNRWA in Gaza. Your US tax dollars at work. Now that we have it from the horses mouth, let’s take a look at this...

UNRWA goes to war