[The question remains: Will UNRWA evaluate the effects of an educational curriculum based on...

Islamist Watch Launches 'Islamist Money in Politics' http://www.meforum.org/4835/islamist-money-politics Philadelphia – October 1, 2014 – Prominent Islamists in the United States have donated almost $700,000 to federal candidates over the past 15 years, according to a...

PEACE EDUCATION: The Alternative To The New PA-UNRWA War Curriculum

Fuchsberg Education Center of The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism in Jerusalem, Israel

Hamas official: “Hamas and UNRWA are directly connected”

Hamas Minister of Religion speaks about the direct connection between Hamas and UNRWA in Gaza. Your US tax dollars at work. https://youtu.be/V3OqKGSNcJk Now that we have it from the horses mouth, let’s take a look at this...

Lawmakers call for defunding UN schools after film shows Palestinian kids praising ISIS

U.S. lawmakers want to cut off funds to United Nations-run schools where a new documentary shows kids as young as 13 declaring they want to kill Jews and join ISIS. The documentary, “The UNRWA Road...

UNRWA: Facilitator of Hamas


Filmmaker calls for UNRWA ‘self-introspection’ over Palestinian classroom incitement

A newly released 10-minute online video produced by the Jerusalem-based Center for Near East Policy Research says that many of the Palestinians who have murdered Israelis during the so-called “stabbing intifada,” which began in...

UNRWA Right of Return Summer Camp August 2011


Following U.S. Statement on Indoctrination: Consider a Personal Letter to The White House...

Our new film leads with a  statement from White House  Deputy Press Sec'y. Hogan Gidley, demanding that the Palestine Liberation Organization stop indoctrination of the next generation to war. Click on the the film link...

SunNews Prime time Video : UNRWA goes to war

Journalist David Bedein has produced a shocking documentary exposing a United Nations organization that is helping fund jihad in Palestine. http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/3861536450001