The coronavirus vaccine crisis refueled the Palestinian anti-Israeli propaganda and defamation campaign which began...

After two months of talks, a vaccine exchange deal was negotiated between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). Israel committed to giving the PA more than a million doses of vaccines whose expiration date was approaching,...

‘Fix UNRWA’ elicits boycott call

A LIVELY Opinion published in last week’s Intermountain Jewish News has garnered calls for boycott from a top advocate for Palestinian refugees. The op-ed by Bassem Eid, “As a proud Palestinian, I say: Palestinians must...

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority by David Bedein and edited by Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg Printed by CreateSpace, 2017. 577 pp. $24.99. Reviewed by Beila Rabinowitz Militant Islam Monitor Middle East Quarterly Winter 2018 Genesis of the Palestinian Authority collects articles and...

House Foreign Affairs Committee Slams Palestinian Incitement

The following US congressional initiative reflects painstaking work of twenty years to overcome all odds to make the issue of war incitement of The Palestinian Authority and UNRWA onto the US agenda. We acquired...

A Destiny of Memories, Fire and Rain

A review by David Bedein David Ramati has written A Destiny of Memories, Fire and Rain which has already achieved eight five star ratings at Amazon. I would like to make it nine with this...

The Media, Israel, and Anti-Semitism (REVIEW) Sophocles said, “What people believe prevails over truth,” Pressing Israel: Media Bias Exposed from A-Z is ideal for the arm chair reader who would like a basic grasp of the terms used in the mainstream...

Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, Chapter 15: Britain’s Double Standard

Introduction This chapter focuses on an issue which is documented or at least touched upon in almost every chapter of “From Time Immemorial”:  British restriction and at times suspension of Jewish immigration to Palestine, combined...

How the Western World Funds Hamas’ Terrorism

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was founded in 1950, with its stated goals of providing “education, health care, relief and social services, camp infrastructure and improvement, microfinance and emergency assistance” for...

‘Perpetuating Statelessness? UNRWA, Its Activities and Funding’

SPEAKERS:  Bassem Eid Director, Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group Dr. Arnon Groiss Deputy Director, IBA’s Arabic Radio Translator of Arabic Schoolbooks David Bedein, MSW Director, Center for Near East Policy Research Founder, The Israel Resource News Agency TIME: 12.30 – 2pm, Thursday 4th...

“A Roadmap to Peace in the Middle East” by Dr. Michael A. Calvo

Extracts from the Book: The Middle East and World War III -Why No Peace? Foreword by Colonel Richard KEMP - CBE. For a description and to buy online: To fight what Pope Francis has called...