Profits from an entity that invests in murder

ATTN - THE BUSINESS HALACHA INSTITUTE WEEKLY 10 Kislev 5780 Dear Colleague, Speaking at the Silver Spring Jewish Center most recently....Found your weekly magazine,  "Restoring the Primacy of Choshen Mishpat"    to be refreshing. As a Shomer Mitzvot YU...

Secrets of a Successful UNRWA Public Relations strategy

Secrets of a Successful UNRWA Public Relations strategy How do you reverse the press image of an agency ridden by terror and corruption? 1. Hire a New York PR firm 2. Hire a team of oped writers...

Will UNRWA donors demand a change in UNRWA policies?

Following the renewal of the UNRWA mandate, whether or not UNRWA donors will demand ​policy change remains a huge question mark​ Israel Hayom recently reported that the UNRWA war curriculum continues unabated to date.  And...

MK Nir Barkat Drafts Knesset Bill to Ban UNRWA in Israel

Former Mayor of Jerusalem and currently a Member of Knesset (MK) Nir Barkat has tabled a draft to outlaw the activities of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the...

Facebook Offers a Matching Grant to UNRWA. Why?

At a time when FACEBOOK founder Mark Zuckerberg conducts campaigns which stress “education for peace” around the world, it comes as a surprise that FACEBOOK would offer generous matching grants to UNRWA $100K match for...

Hamas urges donor countries to continue supporting UNRWA

Member of Hamas’ Arab and Islamic Relations Office Ali Baraka called Saturday for mobilising support for the UN agency helping Palestinian refugees until they return to their homeland. “We encourage the United Nations to combat...

$100K match for one day only

Exciting news! Facebook is matching #GivingTuesday donations made to UNRWA USA on December 3, beginning at 8:00 am Eastern Time (5:00 am Pacific Time), on a first-come, first-served basis, up to $100,000! Mark your calendar and...

WATCH: UNRWA documentary exposes how UN agency contributes to cycle of violence

This week, the Center for Near East Policy Research presented its latest UNRWA documentary short film to members of the U.S. Congress. It exposed how UNRWA teaches Palestinian children that they will one day...

The US Takes a Stand Against UNRWA

Cherith Norman Chalet Acting U.S. Deputy Rtiepresentative to the United Nations U.S. Mission to the United Nations New York, New York November 15, 2019 AS DELIVERED The United States continues to oppose the annual submission of more than a dozen...

UNRWA is in trouble

The mandate of UNRWA, the UN agency operating in 59 refugee camps in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza, is set to have its mandate renewed next week at the UN...