Initial reflection on the UNRWA Policy Conference which the Bedein Center For Near East...

Initial reflection on the UNRWA Policy Conference which the Bedein Center For Near East Policy held on zoom in the German language on November 29, 2020 in German language to discuss the German financial...

UNRWA in Jordan

A credible research analyst who goes by the pen name of Elder of Zion has written a thoughtful perspective about the UNRWA school system in Jordan, where he points out that...

Activists and experts demand German transparency on UNRWA support

he Jerusalem-based Center for Near East Policy Research held a Zoom seminar this week in order to share research about the prevalence of anti-Israel hate education as an official part of the curriculum within...

Biden gesture to his Jewish voters : Deny assistance to anyone who honors those...

Indications are that a majority of Jewish Americans voted for Joe Biden in the recent US presidential election. It is entirely plausible that the Jewish enthusiasm in this tight race served to turn the tide...

UNRWA-MONITOR.COM: New web site is under construction

UNRWA-MONITOR.COM: New web site is under construction: Focus on the dysfunctional nature of UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

CBN TV on the situation of UNRWA in the next US administration

Analysts Warn a Biden Admin Could Renew UNRWA Funding for Pro-Terrorism Palestinian Education

NGO MONITOR: How Germany Funds The Adversaries Of The Jewish State

The German federal government provides millions of euros to political advocacy NGOs in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza through a variety of frameworks, including the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the...

Fatally flawed dead ends

When one has traversed down a dead-end road in the past and discovered that it leads nowhere but to dangerous territory, it is inconceivable that at some later time the same journey should once...

VP Biden Misrepresented PA/UNRWA education to AIPAC

In March 2016, a member of the White House Press Pool, covering the annual AIPAC conference in DC, asked a question of  Vice President Biden, who had just returned from a middle east tour. The question was...

UAE: Will the precarious relationship with UNRWA stand in the way of peace?

For more than seventy years, Arab regimes have communicated a sole message towards Israel: belligerency; teaching the next generation to engage in a war on the Jews. Israel’s earlier peace agreements with Egypt (1979), the...