Жизненно важная перспектива возобновления американской помощи БАПОР

Правительство США объявило о возобновлении помощи БАПОР (Ближневосточное агентство ООН для помощи палестинским беженцам и организации работ), которое ООН создала в качестве “временной” организации после войны за независимость Израиля, чтобы помочь полумиллиону арабов, перемещенных...

There’s room for cautious optimism on UNRWA

For decades, the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees, officially known as the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, has been doing nothing but perpetuating the Palestinian problem. The...


October 2023 506 words David Bedein, Director The events of the past two weeks have vindicated my conclusion, after thirty-six years of scrutinizing PLO and UNRWA policies, that the PLO has fostered an ideology based on justifying...

Finally: Congress Asking UNRWA for Real Number of Palestinian Refugees

Both houses of Congress are at work to modify funding bills for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), as part of an effort to investigate the very legitimacy of the decades-old agency,...

Did UNRWA really advocate a change in curriculum?

Over the past week, UNRWA spread the word that UNRWA intends to introduce a new curriculum for peace and tolerance in the UNRWA school system. However, UNRWA reports widespread popular opposition to such an initiative....

UNRWA donor nations 2020

Donor Chart in Descending Order (2020) – Download in PDF, click here.

House foreign appropriations subcommittee calls to cut U.S. funding to United Nations

Responding to concerns over anti-Israel and antisemitic bias at the United Nations, the House subcommittee responsible for providing funding for the State Department and foreign programs is pushing to eliminate U.S. funding for the...

ILTV: Leaked report reveals UNRWA corruption

Dr. Martin Sherman, founder & executive director of the IISS and David Bedein, Director of the Center for Near East Policy are in the ILTV studio to discuss the UN investigation of new accusations...
A man with an UNRWA flag in the southern Gaza Strip.. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Proud Palestinians must lead the fight to reform UNRWA

We Palestinians can no longer deny our responsibility for the destiny of our people. For 26 years I have been devoting my life to the mission of defending human rights. I have seen wars...

The Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research appears at the Israel Knesset 3pm to 5pm...

The Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research appears at the Israel Knesset 3pm to 5pm Israel time on Thursday, January 4th,  invited by the Knesset Foreign Relations and Security committee to screen our movies which show how  UNRWA trains armed UNRWA...