Brasil amplia papel em polêmica agência de ajuda a palestinos

Críticos acusam UNRWA de ineficácia e apontam ligação com Hamas Infoglobo - O Globo - 1 mar 2015 - Page #42

Challenging UNRWA’S claims

Published in the Jerusalem Post on JUNE 26, 2016 With regard to “US congressmen to investigate UNRWA schools for inciting terrorism, Rep. Lamborn tells ‘Post’” (June 21), there is a quote from UNRWA spokesman...

UNRWA’s terrorists

Tragically, the visuals the Israeli government has been using—dead and maimed bodies—are too easy for the PLO and Hamas to counter. It was not hard to predict that the Arabs would now line up their...

UN Report Finds Hamas Committed Sexual Violence and Torture on Oct. 7

Hamas likely committed mass acts of gang-rape and torture against women during its massacre across southern Israel on Oct. 7 and may today still be abusing women kept as hostages in Gaza, the United...

UNRWA Smoking Gun

In  36 years of news coverage of UNRWA, we have had a few  opportunities to produce a smoking gun from UNRWA. UNRWA just provided  a new smoking gun. UNRWA, which relies on the PA curriculum, this week...

Norway denies holding back funds: Feedback from Rep. Office of Norway to the Palestinian...

On 9 June 2020 I spoke to an official at the representative office of Norway to the PA about this article The official told me that it is not true and that Norway is not...

Watchdog at Donor Conference Appeals to Hold UNRWA Accountable for Antisemitic Teachers

A watchdog group delivered an appeal today at an international donor conference for UNRWA, which runs schools for Palestinians, urging governments at the Brussels gathering to demand accountability from the agency about allegations of antisemitism and incitement to terrorism by more than 100 teachers...

Congress Needs to Review UN Agency’s Terror Finance Problem

The Biden administration this month announced that it will resume U.S. funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)—a UN welfare agency ostensibly meant to assist Palestinian refugees that has faced multiple corruption...

U.S. State Department Affirms Support for 5 Million ‘Palestinian Refugees’ In the wake of a Senate amendment requiring the United States to quantify how many Palestinians receiving U.S. aid were displaced after the Israeli War of Independence and how many are only descendants...

UNRWA will not go away just because it loses US funds

The GAO, the General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of the US Congress, is scheduled to issue a massive report on the indiscretions of UNRWA during the month of February. That report will create...