The ​Time Has Come for UNRWA Reform: A Solution to the Palestinian Refugee Dilemma

A mantra is repeated almost every day in Middle East parlance: the need for a policy initiative that would extract the region from a simmering status quo which can only lead to a violent outcome. Israel,...

The challenge for Canada in Middle East negotiations: Convening ”The Refugee Working Group” to...

The Arab Refugee issue remains one of the most crucial issues to be resolved in order for any peace process to be successful The RWG was created as a practical way to handle...

Transcript – July 19 UNRWA policy briefing at Knesset, for journalists & diplomats

Introductory Remarks by David Bedein, Director of Center for Near East Policy Research: We begin the briefing with “Mohammed Assaf War Song for UNRWA”- short video depicting the singer Mohammed Assaf who is UNRWA’s official...

The new Islamic funders of UNRWA

Until very recently, the main funders of UNRWA were the member states of the UN. Now, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), a  bank with nefarious connections is listed as one of the funders of UNRWA...

UN school students taught to kill Jews

Camera crews visiting United Nations-funded schools for Palestinians have uncovered new evidence that teachers are indoctrinating students with extremism and anti-Semitism. “Stabbing and running over Jews brings dignity to the Palestinians,” one boy studying at...

UNRWA in the spotlight again

A Knesset briefing to discuss the funding of UNRWA by donor nations, including Australia & New Zealand, which fuels ongoing hate education and incitement, was held this week in Jerusalem. Yehudah Glick Chaired by Member of...

Geography and Politics: During the visit of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to an...

Overview 1.   On June 28, 2016, the UN secretary general went to the Gaza Strip for a visit lasting several hours. While there he was taken to a number of places, including UNRWA's al-Zeitun school...

Finally: Congress Asking UNRWA for Real Number of Palestinian Refugees

Both houses of Congress are at work to modify funding bills for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), as part of an effort to investigate the very legitimacy of the decades-old agency,...

UNRWA – Who asked you?

The UN has been taken hostage. It’s time to rescue it. UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness harshly criticized our our decision to demolish the homes of two terrorists who last December stabbed two Israelis to death...

Lapid rips UNRWA ‘insanity’

Yesh Atid chief rejects UNRWA criticism over demolitions of terrorist homes, slams UNRWA incitement. 'Why do you erase Israel on your maps?' Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid lambasted the United Nations Relief and Works Agency...